It sounds right, it feels right, it purges right. There is something poetic about pulling the trigger and knowing whatever you direct your fully automatic rocket propelled grenade launcher at will explode in a cloud of gore.
You need to try Darktide. It’s the best bolter in any video game ever. It is massive, it is chunky, the magazines are huge, it makes big clunky mechanical noises every time you ready it, and on full auto it feels like you are unleashing the holy wrath of the Emperor with every round fired.
The Boltgun from Boltgun.
It sounds right, it feels right, it purges right. There is something poetic about pulling the trigger and knowing whatever you direct your fully automatic rocket propelled grenade launcher at will explode in a cloud of gore.
You need to try Darktide. It’s the best bolter in any video game ever. It is massive, it is chunky, the magazines are huge, it makes big clunky mechanical noises every time you ready it, and on full auto it feels like you are unleashing the holy wrath of the Emperor with every round fired.