As I said to the other commenter, he’s a human being, not an elder God. This “nothing can ever stop Trump, his powers of unreasonableness defy all mortal comprehension” stuff isn’t actually helpful.
They’ve smartly put him in a vice. If he tries to push the tariffs they’ll counter by reneging on the agreement to up their military budgets. If he tries to push the military budgets they’ll tell him no deal unless he removes the tariffs. He’ll try to demand both because he’s a child, but at the end of the day the only bargaining tool he knows how to use is bullying, and they’ve now reconstructed the scenario so that the harder he bullies the less he gets of things he specifically wants. That’s why this is a smart play; because they’re anticipating his unreasonableness and turning it against him.
Fun fact, Canada has had the capability of deploying nuclear weapons, but never owned them or kept them on Canadian soil.
During the cold war the Voodoo interceptor was able to deploy dumbfire tactical nuclear rockets to intercept incoming Russian bombers over the Arctic. But the Canadian government insisted that no nuclear weapons existed on Canadian soil. This was true, but only by an extreme technicality; parts of the airbases were ceded to the US, who also provided the nukes. They were only ever stored in the parts of the bases that were “US territory”.