A game I downloaded after following the Megathread activated Windows Defender. Most searches in the reddit showed that it was a False Positive but I checked in Virus Total just in case and found this. The website was RePack-Games (I read the note but I didn’t find the game on the Goat sites), the game was Dynasty Warriors 8. I’d like to ask what my next course of action is here. The game also wouldn’t load after the cutscene when u select a character.
Not really, even in pdf there could be exploits hidden and I bet the same goes for epub files
okay I will only torrent
ascii-encoded files then and open them in nano, this will make me totally secure.… And open all other files I download in a sandboxed-environment
Mostly phishing or link redirects. But the PDF in itself is harmless. Or Am I wrong here? Is it possible to install malware just by opening a PDF file?
My guess would be no… Because there isn’t any execution file to install sketchy binaries. This is very different from cracked games in the sense that getting malware from a PDF is more like a user mistake while a crack… You already know you are doing something sketchy and have no idea what it does in the background.
If someone has more details on how PDF can be exploited, except for the classical phishing attack (social engineering) I’m open to learn something new !
The spec is fairly complex. Someone ported Doom to PDF, for what it’s worth.
That doesn’t make PDF an inherently dangerous filetype, but I’d say it increases the likelihood of bugs/zero days within the PDF viewer.
It is possible to run code directly inside PDF files, as can be seen with Doom or Linux running inside a PDF file https://github.com/ading2210/linuxpdf
In addition to that can PDF files prepared to trigger security weaknesses and exploits in PDF readers (often Acrobat Reader), to act as an attack vector and run malicious code.
So no, PDF are not safe by design.