I have many Tbs I want to download & don’t have the space plus I don’t have the $ to invest in large amounts of storage so I’ve been trying to learn about Seedboxes here and around the net and it seems like it might be a solution to my needs but I have so many questions.
Is a seedbox just for remote torrenting and moving files to and from your computer?
Can you logon to a seedbox and direct download files from a website into the seedbox?
Can you create torrents in the seedbox for posting to torrent sites?
Are seedboxes mainly for keeping ratios up on private trackers or do they also accept open trackers as well?
Do you have to worry about DMCA notices with a seedbox?/Can seedboxes see what you transfer?
Can seedboxes be used with a VPN for optimum privacy or is there even a need?
What are some of the best seedboxes which leave a minimal, trackable footprint & preferably use US currency?
Any helpful guidance would be most appreciated. Thank You!
I would check your assumptions about the price of a large external drive versus monthly seedbox fees on an indefinite timeframe for equivalent storage. If a hard drive doesn’t fail almost out of the gate, it runs for a long time for free, and monthly fees never go down.
Would you have any recommendations on hardware? If I go local, I would want 2 sets of similar hardware; one for primary storage and the 2nd for backup. Thanks!
You can find good deals on drives on ShuckStop and Server Part Deals. I usually aim to pay around $10-USD/TB.
Thank you for the sites and information! I’m afraid I’m gonna have to have what I want built as I just don’t have the technical skills to do what I want.
No matter what external storage you buy be it an external drive / NAS / SAN / whatever, make sure you buy a UPS firstly. I dunno about where you live, but here the amount of “brownouts” through the night damages electronic gear irrevocably and I learnt my lesson.
Best investment(s) ever.
That’s something I’m interested in also as I’ve just got a surge protector right now but I’m not sure what to buy. Again, I’m not the best with hardware but I’ve got that on my radar. Thanks!