in a climate dependent on regular smaller fires, fight every fire for 150 years
allow and subsidize the buildup of atmospheric carbon and the runaway of global warming and climate change
ignore all scientific evidence and pursue only short-term profits
… Then act surprised and blame everything but the actual problem when mega fires bloom ever larger and more out of control year after year. They even signed a non binding agreement basically agreeing to the above. And, this very much isn’t just California, they just have the local climate with a drought/flood cycle that really exacerbates the cycle.
(stop wildfires from ever happening as they naturally do to protect property, which leads to a massive build up of very flammable brush, and once a fire finally gets out of hand, instead of being rather small as happens naturally, there is immense amounts of flammable dead wood and brush which turns it into an uncontrollable monster). [We should have learnt from indigenous fire management techniques]
Not personnel.
… Then act surprised and blame everything but the actual problem when mega fires bloom ever larger and more out of control year after year. They even signed a non binding agreement basically agreeing to the above. And, this very much isn’t just California, they just have the local climate with a drought/flood cycle that really exacerbates the cycle.
(stop wildfires from ever happening as they naturally do to protect property, which leads to a massive build up of very flammable brush, and once a fire finally gets out of hand, instead of being rather small as happens naturally, there is immense amounts of flammable dead wood and brush which turns it into an uncontrollable monster). [We should have learnt from indigenous fire management techniques]
Civilized societies burn smaller piles of shit on the regular!
(plants the flammable, heavily invasive eucalyptus tree all over)