When Apple unveiled its AR/VR Vision Pro headset early last year the product was met with just an absolute ocean of tech press hype. You couldn’t spend thirty seconds online without reading a…
Usually if money is burning a hole in your pocket then it means it’s extra money and bills are paid. At least, that is how I’ve always used it and heard it used.
I would start to stock pile food myself if I had that much money free and buy a new GPU. That’s like also a months rent here as well plus some utilities and a car payment.
It’s super neat tech, but if I had $3,500 burning a hole in my pocket I’d be more concerned with things like rent and food.
Usually if money is burning a hole in your pocket then it means it’s extra money and bills are paid. At least, that is how I’ve always used it and heard it used.
That’s probably because this is indeed the correct way to use that phrase.
Yeah, I have a lot of priorities before that headset…
I would start to stock pile food myself if I had that much money free and buy a new GPU. That’s like also a months rent here as well plus some utilities and a car payment.