The “just use nuclear” crowd is so dumb. They make it so obvious they have no idea what they are talking about. Which I would not mind on its own, but they always think they are the smartest people in the room and that’s infuriating.
The “just use nuclear” crowd is so dumb. They make it so obvious they have no idea what they are talking about. Which I would not mind on its own, but they always think they are the smartest people in the room and that’s infuriating.
As long as it uses the physical type c port it’s all good. Not that I care. USB got faster and faster and I use it less and less over the years.
Alien Jews directing the Democratic Party would undoubtedly be an improvement.
Yes, on my phone I just use newpipe. It’s just the best app ever.
If it’s not for sale any more it I don’t even consider it piracy. It’s abandonware and thus free for all.
Most people on this planet are idiots.
Are all game rating systems just complete and utter garbage? Dare you to find a good one.
If anybody knows about love it’s rimjob_rainer.
It’s all going to shit. Let’s burn it all down and start over. Will it be better then? Probably not, but burning it down will feel good I imagine.
Implying it isn’t one already?
Yeah, the smart ones knew all along. The dumb ones don’t care or will forget.
So many whistleblowers ending up dead. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. Hundreds of coincidences.
Fascists don’t like free speech 🤷
They want to change it? But why?
Not a lot of finding out so far though.
A $100 deposit you get back if you actually sell your game and make money off of it. Technically not even a fee.
Heroic Games Launcher is on Windows also. If you buy a game on GOG through the Launcher it even compensates the devs a little bit. Very neat.
Sounds like Linux but worse. Got my dad on Mint and all he ever uses is a browser and mail program (2nd one is optional)
You are all individuals
That’s probably because this is indeed the correct way to use that phrase.