Usenet wiki (unfortunately we don’t have one on Lemmy): https://reddit.com/r/usenet/wiki/faq
Two 1 TB blocks on different backbones for $15: https://portal.usenetprime.com/cart.php?a=add&bid=37.
3 TB for $15 (4000+ retention): https://billing.blocknews.net/signup/blockfriday
6 TB for €15 (2800+ retention ): https://www.bulknews.eu/checkout?product_variation=43&locale=en%2F and use the code bf241. Bulknews is on Abavia backbone.
4 TB for $25 (4633+ retention): https://newsgroupdirect.com/member/billing/?plan=ce57&planid=233&yes_tracking=1
500 GB for 10.50 till January 3 (3000+ retention): https://usenet.farm/
The retention might not be accurate, probably larger.
How does Usenet qualitatively compare to a seedbox, for people who’ve tried both?
I haven’t tried seedbox, but Usenet is very cheap and you can consider it similar to having private trackers I suppose. You will find many releases on Usenet that you will only find in private trackers. Also you don’t need seeders, so as long as the file wasn’t removed by DCMA you can download it.
what are these and why would we want them
These are usenet data sales. Usenet is an old network of distributed discussion groups that predates the web by about a decade. It contains a large trove of media and software - particularly older media and software - that is easy to acccess because it’s not a P2P network that is reliant others keeping their shares alive.
Many usenet providers offer bulk data plans, rather than continual subscriptions. This means you buy x GB of bandwidth, and you use it on whatever time table you like.These are great if you don’t do a lot of downloading, or if you’re just trying it out, or if you’re using usenet as a secondary or tertiary source for things.
Like the fesiverse, most usenet providers do not provide a full view of the whole network, so it can also be good to have a secondary provider that has different retention policies, so a lot of usenet users will buy these data blocks for that purpose, as well.
I want to add, that especially for Germans (and maybe others) the Usenet is very much full of up-to-date media and software.
what is usenet data and why would I want it. you mention bulk data… what is that data?
It’s the amount of data you can download from the usenet network. The data can be anything stored on Usenet servers, but the overwhelming majority of users use it for piracy: movies, tv shows, music, video games, you name it.
For people who don’t use a lot/often enough to justify a monthly sub or as a backup if you go over a cap or failover if your main goes down
main what? I’m not trying to be argumentative here, I honestly don’t know what this is or why I would want it
Main: primary provider. Use the volume tariff as a backup when the primary provider isn’t usable.
It’s about access to NNTP servers (Usenet). The thing that was used before forums, reddit, Lemmy. But not like irc, matrix or telegram. You can write text messages and reply to them. And you can attach binary data like archives, pictures or videos (bulk data) to your messages - this is the interesting part here.
To access the server you need a NNTP capable client. I.e. thunderbird - which is not especially suitable for down- or uploading binary data.
For binary downloads you could look into the arr suite (Google it and you will find wikis and related discussion groups). Nzbget, sabnzbd… I don’t know any details, until now I was to lazy to dive into that timesink.
thank you very much
There was a time where your ISP provided access to a Usenet server for free, but they didn’t have all the newsgroups like alt.binaries or even the whole alt hierarchy. Nowadays you gotta pay for access, and you’ll get access to all newsgroups. With the deals going on now, unlimited access is cheaper than most any streaming service.
OH speaking of ISPs, will they figure out that I’m using this service and serve a C&D notice, the way they used to for torrenting movies?
You don’t get salty emails from your ISP for downloading torrents, you get them because (due to the nature of how torrenting works) you’re also uploading the torrent to other users at the same time.
Usenet users download from the data providers. Because it’s not crowdsourcing the hosting like torrenting, it’s generally not free (hence this post about deals). The trade-off for having to pay is that you don’t have to share that risk with the data providers. It’s more akin to watching a pirate streaming site than torrenting: you’ll never get an email about consuming it, but you might visit one day and realize the site’s been taken down or had the domain changed because the owners got the email instead.
stinky, look at the sub you’re in. Try and draw some conclusions.
locuester, scroll up for a response that satisfied me (from loutr)
Ah ok. Sorry for coming off a bit cold. You sounded a bit trolly
you’re too sensitive if people asking for help looks like trolling to you. It’s kind of offensive, to be honest. I’m embarrassing myself by admitting that I don’t know what this thing is, and asking strangers for help, and you’re telling me I look like a troll? Trolls are someone who invite discussion to be hurtful. That’s awful.
It is nothing to be embarrassed about, usenet is very old which is why most people don’t knwo about it. Usenet has been around since 1980. You can refer to the below link for more info.