I’m a software engineer and I have been playing guitar nearly every day since I was 8 years old. I release everything GPL/AGPL or CC-BY-SA that I own and can. Heck, I am racking every day trying to figure out ideas that can hopefully make me a living while also giving everything I have away. I don’t want to own my shit man, I just want to share what I have and hope it’s useful, and I don’t want people being assholes so I opt for the copyleft instead of liberal licenses.
I only care about copyright while it exists. If copyright is abolished and there’s no such thing as intellectual property then I’m happy with that as well.
No one should have the right of using police with guns to maintain the ownership of ideas and our culture. I don’t want this power. I don’t want you to have this power over my neighbors. I don’t want the Disney corporation having this power over my friends and family. But if capitalists wield that power against the common man, then I’m not against the common man wielding it against the capitalist.
I’m okay with using copyright against only those that have more power than me. I don’t ever want to threaten a normal human being with it, only capitalists.
I’m not against all cases of generative ai, code or visual. I’ve had legit use cases for them, and in a post scarce world we wouldn’t care about these things being made in a completely floss way. If copyright were to last only 15 years after publication then I think the world would be much better and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But I won’t argue ai stuff as it currently stands—it is a grift or a stockpiling.