Wait can you expand on that a little more? I literally was just now getting ready to try and troubleshoot why my hardlinking was not working.
I was under the impression that the torrent storage and media library just needed to be in the same share, but maybe there is more to it…?
Not OP, but I can answer part of your questions:
if I migrate to Jellyfin do I need to fuck around with my folder structures ? No special case just /movie/title | tv/title in my use-case with the usual arr stack for grabbing.
I have Plex and Jellyfin running off the exact same media library no problem at all. So there should be zero need to modify anything–if anything Jellyfin seems a little better at catching “extras” folders than Plex.
I don’t need remote playback for movies/tvs but I have no idea how to replace Plexamp and if you have suggestions, feel free to mention it.
The Jellyfin app plays music–but it’s definitely NOT a music app. I always hear Symfonium highly recommended, but have not yet given it a whirl myself.
Absolutely. They are not going to share metadata or things like played status, but I have been using both simultaneously since almost the first day I spun up my media server.
I definitely prefer Jellyfin overall, but Plex is more convenient for sharing with less techy family so I keep it spun up. Jellyfin also requires some finicky network configuration (so I have heard) to cast media to a Chromecast, so Plex wins out there.
On top of everything else, the fact that he called someone, anyone, “fully retarded” publicly and in writing blows me away. It’s literally a grade school level insult, and cringey as fuck coming from an adult.
Who reads a tweet like that and comes away thinking anything other than “holy shit, what a sad manchild”?
Seems like a stand-up guy
I mean, duh, he used to be a comedian!
I’ll see myself out now…
I did the same as you at first TBH, but quickly found that as long as I dumped the files in generally the correct folder structure, Jellyfin would figure it out. And for the few it doesn’t, you can manually identify within the webUI as others have pointed out.
I also stressed a bit about shows, but have found that
/Show (YEAR)/Season 1/whatever garbage naming convention the torrent uses
generally gets picked up with no problems, even if there is an extra folder level beyond “Season 1”.
Thank you, this clears up some misconception i had about how the *arrs work!
Got it, thanks!
If all your current files are still in the “download” folder, you could probably setup the arrs and qbit as recommended in the guides
Yeah, that’s the rub… they are all currently in separate movies, shows, and music folders as Plex/Jellyfin want them to be.
But it’s sounding like the best bet is to leave the existing content alone for now and spin things up per the guides until I have a better handle on how it all works. Appreciate the input!
Yeah, I’m using Unraid, so this would all be in dockers.
I think maybe I had a false understanding that radarr (for example) interposes itself between the actual media files and Plex/Jellyfin… which sounds like a PITA to undo, and was giving me pause.
Thanks, this is helpful!
If I do a “clean” install, can i later identify specific pieces of media within a library to monitor?
I love scheduled and automation based DND, except that about twice per year, SOMETHING SOMEWHERE updates and causes my alarm to be silenced by DND, despite having my clock app exempted from every possible silencing mechanism I can find.
For the life of me, I can’t understand why that would ever be a useful behavior, let along default one.
Lucky for me, I have a pretty robust internal clock, but Holy Fuck is that annoying.
Not to knock on you, because everyone’s got different priorities, but I think calling it a “huge expense that’s no longer relevant” is a pretty loaded framing. A decent 75-ish inch TV can be had for about the same price as a middle-road flagship phone.
Sure, I can certainly watch a movie or play a game on my little 6" phone screen, but it’s an entirely different experience–in the same way that eating a protein bar and eating your favorite meal will both technically nourish you.
Granted, I’ve spent quite a bit in excess of the cost of a decent TV on the audio system to go with it, but pretty much anything other than watching rando youtube videos or playing idle phone games, I would rather do in front of a large screen with immersive sound–gaming, shows, movies etc., even if it’s just me alone.
I have some ratios in the 500s
I have around 400 items seeding 24/7. No problems at all, except that I am sending from my media server via my desktop,so I need to set speed limits in my torrent client to keep from saturating the wifi connection. (Slowly working to get things migrated over…)
Not sure where I said or implied it was an excuse?
He’s some kind of weird bigot for sure, but he’s also got a history of these random unhinged outbursts from time to time that are clearly a result of something more acute/immediate than being a nazi.
Saying Ye is acting like this because he’s off his meds is saying that those with diagnosed with bipolar or narcissism are just one step away from being a bigot.
Nah, it’s just saying that a specific attention-seeking bigot with a personality disorder, which is marginally controlled with meds, is more likely to go on insane attention-seeking tears of bigotry when he goes off those meds.
Not taking your prescription drugs is a hell of a drug.
Destroy it?
Like he destroyed Twitter by turning it into his personal propaganda outlet, maybe.
It sounds to me like he’s just positioning himself to control an AI tech provider who will conveniently be contracted to replace all the government positions he is trying to eliminate.
I mean, it tracks with their view of the Ukraine situation as well.
It also tracks with the general conservative mindset that the “in group” is protected by laws, but not beholden to them; while the “out group” is beholden to laws, but not protected by them.
Which all tracks with having the mindset of a toddler, free of any shred of empathy, where, until proven otherwise every other person in existence is by default just an NPC without agency or self-determination.