How would it get past the captcha? EGS always has a complicated captcha
How would it get past the captcha? EGS always has a complicated captcha
could you explain, what’s the point of the song
I use a script I wrote that plays music from Bandcamp with probabilities based on liking/disliking songs and the albums Bandcamp recommends in association with the rated song. Wary about sharing it anywhere though as it’s definitely against the tos.
But if they aren’t protected under copyright, then any asset flipper can use your main character - taking the model right from your AAA game - and throw it into their 99-cent asset flip scam, and you can’t do anything about it.
They could send a DMCA claim and Steam would probably just take it down right? Again, really hard to prove it was 100% AI, and in the case of a full usable 3d character model, with current technology it definitely was not. I guess what I mean by “why it matters” is, it doesn’t seem like it would practically make any difference to how things will go or what will happen.
When it gets to be possible to just about fully autogenerate games, yeah then they might have a reason to wish they could have more copyright.
I believe Steam has the policy on AI that they do both because of public opinion about the use of AI (and the way it’s being used to steal from creators) and because AI generated games tend to fall into the same category of outright scams that NFT games do, and games containing NFTs are straight up banned from Steam.
Games using AI used to be banned from Steam, but they changed it to allow them. Requiring tags seems like a nice compromise.
I don’t see why this stuff even matters. Like say they fully AI generate a loading screen for their game, and therefore they don’t have copyright on it. That doesn’t stop them from selling the game, it would only stop them from suing someone copying that specific part of the game for their own purposes. But such a person would have no way of knowing whether the image was fully AI generated or not, so even though in actuality they couldn’t be sued successfully, they will still be taking the risk. And there isn’t much reason to anyway that I can think of.
So why would a company like Activision even give a shit?
That seems kind of shitty, if he only cheated to qualify but otherwise won the prize without cheating
Will they even know if they are throwing it all away?
This has got to be a South Korea specific thing right? I thought game concepts were generally fair game
I’m skeptical the market is ever going to have principles, for every person that has gotten burned and become personally aware of shady practices, there are many more that aren’t aware and don’t have the incentive or ability to do research to find out. Seems like the sort of thing where the system is rigged in favor of scammers if consumer choice is the only regulation.
I think it probably is somewhat less than legal to advise people to break the law, but I like saying everyone should pirate everything so fuck it, they aren’t going to waste their time prosecuting me for that
I don’t usually like Meta, but here they used that data to produce open weights models available to the public. That sort of thing is what piracy is for so I support it.
One method could be to have a replay system, public state snapshots, and publicly logged inputs. Servers could randomly audit federated peers by replaying small segments of their logs, and defederate/broadcast that there is a problem if the end state doesn’t match. This would require them to be running the same code and not use arbitrary mods, but different settings would still be possible.
From talking to someone involved in local government software, it seemed to me like there is a push in the opposite direction from that; they want and are moving towards offloading as much as possible to third party software vendors.
In the past, Trump has accused Canada of accepting a $100-billion subsidy from the United States. It’s unclear exactly what he is referencing, but it may refer to the trade deficit between the two countries.
But on Tuesday, that purported $100-billion subsidy rose to $200 billion. CTVNews.ca has reached out to Trump’s media office to clarify what the $200-billion figure represents.
“I love the Canadian people, they’re great,” he said. “We’re spending hundreds of billions a year to take care of Canada. … We can’t do it forever.”
It sounds like what is going on here is, Trump is doing the normal Trump thing of starting with a conservative narrative (austerity, cutting off moochers) and brazenly lying about the state of the world to fill in the blanks of that narrative, knowing his supporters are happy to live in a fictional world, knowing he can’t be called out on it in a way that will matter, knowing that it will get people to continue paying attention to him.
Damn. Thanks for the info
Normally, offloading cryptography to a different hardware module could be seen as a good thing — but with nonfree software, it can only spell trouble for the user…
Could someone explain more about this? What about TPM + proprietary OS is bad? What are the risks here?
I keep bash scripts on my desktop to do common things
I like reading books, but with any other medium than games you are limited to a passive role. They can’t make a story your story the way a game can.
Depending on what it is, publishing on i2p could just be a way to get it out there initially after which other interested parties would seed it elsewhere
For me I get prompted with a captcha on redeeming a free game, almost every time