They would become weak enough for us to start curbstomping
They would become weak enough for us to start curbstomping
How do you screw both the rich and poor at the same time?
We literally are Redditor’s, remember? We are the original Reddit, for better or worse
They no longer need users, they are just training their AI
There goes my crown again…
So what does this teach us? Independent wealth is the end-goal!
Let them perish from their own eugenics program!
We can’t afford to think like that anymore. It’s us or them.
Hope they live a long time
Congratulations Texans! You did it!
Weird, that is how I treated the AI too…
True, all humans are like children. Maybe AI should take over.
They are trying to prove a point that there’s no cost cutting actually happening.
No, the bombs will once it’s army is destroyed, and any attempts to rebuild are routed.
I seriously considered it, but they specifically said they don’t need buffoons.
As long as no one sells off Lemmy, which is impossible now…
All while pretending to be libertarians.
I don’t bother. I know they know everything about me already, and that I’m not an important person. As such, I wonder why it matters.
We need bigger servers, and exponential growth good enough to reach 5 orders of magnitde more