Nah he can still win in 2028
Speak for yourself
Dude was trying so hard to come up with a reason for their latest slop generator to exist
I built a PC earlier this year and system RAM was such a small percentage of the total cost that I decided to splurge and got more than I really need right now. It’s easy to fall into “Better to have and not need” thinking.
But hey, I can run VMs now.
If that’s enough to say a country is threatening to invade another, the United States is about to invade every country on the planet.
And while I won’t outright discard that possibility, if the US were about to invade Australia, we’d be seeing a lot news stories about how horrible Australians are
The Cunt of Monte Cristo
So it’s a narc, but if you’re racist
It’s always the ones you most expect
Ah, the tried and true strategy of saving money on fuel by quitting your job
Food too expensive? Just don’t eat.
It’ll be an extremely funny day when one of the racist children convince him to drop a hard R.
Big Balls, please, you have the power to do something great.
Are we about to delve into the legal status of squat cobbler
Finally, we achieved family values and protected the children
I didn’t mean an apology isn’t owed, I meant there’s a very long line of people waiting.
Exorbitant privilege being also the cause of a lot of it