I’m a Streamer and Software Dev in Liverpool, UK.
Stop by if you fancy a chat or whatever, https://twitch.tv/psaldorn
This can be a depression indicator, for me at least.
I don’t have any good advice for what to do with that info, but I hope it’s not that for you.
If you’re mega stressed and you lose your primary stress relief that can be rough.
Deploy the space Rooba!
Just want to say that Balantro on mobile is fantastic and you don’t need to miss it just because you don’t have a steam deck.
Weird, in UK and I see my streak before the ad plays. No subscription
The stingers genotype would not be missed.
Very impressive. Now let’s see Paul Allen’s factory.
Sweats profusely
If it didn’t have Robert Picardos voice, I do not want
Every day it logs me out before standup and gets locked into a stupid “not loading” loop. I have to go to the login page, whereby it recognises my token and fucking logs me in. FUCK.