• 28 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2024


  • Say “It’s bad”?

    That seems like kind of a bare minimum. There are also some societal things that are set up for that, things like financially penalizing the studio involved and giving some money to the victims. It’s not really making people whole, but it is a signifier that we want to do more than a South Park “We’re sorry” commercial. Some concrete acknowledgement that yes, it was fucked up that thing that happened to you, and we want to make efforts to make it right, fix the balance, and put penalties in place for anyone who’s thinking about doing it to someone new.

    Or, we could spread the narrative that if it’s been a long time, then it doesn’t count. That would be fun too. Up to you.

  • Yeah. Chamberlain came in with effectively no military at all, saw that a war with Germany would be like a child trying to fight an adult, oversaw a lot of rearmament, and then declared war on Germany when the situation became more clear, at a point when they still barely had a functional military. He gets a lot of heat for appeasement but the situation he came into was totally hopeless, and he was taking concrete steps to get things moved in the right direction.

    Biden and Garland did fuck-all for 4 years, and then when the situation started showing signs of genuine threat, started talking about pardons for them and their friends as the solution.

  • Hussey was 15 when director Franco Zeffirelli cast her in his adaptation of the William Shakespeare tragedy

    Hussey and Whiting brought a lawsuit against Paramount Pictures alleging sexual abuse, sexual harassment and fraud over nude scenes in the film.

    They alleged that they were initially told they would wear flesh-colored undergarments in a bedroom scene, but on the day of the shoot Zeffirelli told the pair they would wear only body makeup and that the camera would be positioned in a way that would not show nudity. They alleged they were filmed in the nude without their knowledge.

    What the fuck. Hollywood used to be a pretty messed up place back in the day.

    The case was dismissed by a Los Angeles County judge in 2023


  • To me, there are a couple problems of perception that gave Biden/Harris a huge uphill battle in the election that they didn’t need to have.

    Biden actually did a ton to address problems of inequality and income in America. He worked harder on it than any president since Johnson at least, and scored some huge successes driving up low-income wages and strengthening unions. But, he didn’t do it in ways that were visible to the average American, I think because he’s so far removed from the present-day average American that he genuinely didn’t realize how invisible a lot of his reforms would turn out to be.

    His two huge mistakes were:

    • Talking about, and letting people in his adminstration talk about, inflation, in terms of “how much have prices gone up this year?” He bragged about getting inflation back down, which speaking from an economist’s point of view is accurate. But things are still expensive. To the average American, “getting inflation back down” would have meant that eggs go back down to costing what they used to cost. He could have gotten away with half as much gains on wages, but taking strong action to bring down grocery prices and rent prices. People respond to how much stuff costs, even if they’re making 20% more than they used to a year before.
    • Focusing all his wage efforts on people who are in the “W-2 economy,” even at a low level. The biggest economic victims in the country are undocumented people, people driving Uber, people working at Wal-mart being kept just barely under full-time employment, all of whose rent goes up every year to match anything they’re gaining. People are being squeezed out of the full-time-job-having economy steadily more and more every year and into the desperation economy. I know he did the Climate Corps, but something more like the CCC or WPA, giving real full-time working jobs that can pay a decent income on a massive scale, would have been better than looking out for people who already have a W-2 union job having their union more effectively able to fight for them.

    And then, also, letting Merrick Garland twiddle his thumbs for four years like the cowardly lump that he is. I think history will look back on this past few years of slow-walking the Trump prosecutions as a massive error that led to untold misery and bloodshed. Honestly, even if he fucked up everything else and lost the 2024 election, if he had simply taken the fire on the roof as an urgent problem that needs all hands on deck, instead of one more renovation project that needs to wait its turn until it comes up in the agenda, it would have been better.

  • Every time, they assume they’ll never have to be on the other side of the fence.

    They say, let’s just throw shit and anthrax at everyone on that side, and we can keep all the cookies for the people on this side, and it’ll be pure magic. And then, one day, they’re bleeding out because of a miscarriage or having their Twitter account deleted, or having their undocumented spouse deported, and they say wait! What happened? How could this come to be? This wasn’t the cookies I was promised.

    And for some reason, they usually want to keep the fence up. They just want to be back on the good side of it, like they’re supposed to be.