Europe is turning fascist rapidly as well, so they can all be good chums soon enough and Ukraine can go and find a new president.
Windmill Designer
Europe is turning fascist rapidly as well, so they can all be good chums soon enough and Ukraine can go and find a new president.
Nah, I’d like to turn that around. It is not necessary for you to eat eggs, so it shouldn’t affect you, same as it doesn’t affect me. More inclusive, you know? Together towards a better world.
I’d prefer some salted nuts and kidney beans in my enchilada, quinoa is a bit overrated tbh.
You don’t need eggs, eat something else. Better for chickens, biodiversity and the climate as well
On Mastodon I have no trouble interacting with other users there. I have 2 accounts running on different instances - one global and one local. No trouble at all finding an account on either of them.
Quite a lose-lose situation indeed. People who hate each others guts. I hope they can find the perpetrators soon.
True, it’s a multi-level fuck-up, which nature is showing us quite clearly. Solutions would not need to be that difficult, just gradually stop burning fossil fuels, stop eating meat, build responsibly and spread money evenly. Too bad that all the people getting rich from these things have a succesful propaganda campaign going on. Nature will not be tamed however, not in the foreseeable future.
The amount of typos in the cease and desist letter is staggering. I cannot imagine any lawyer could produce that, must be copied by the apprentice journalist on duty, with a tight deadline.
Just get a Fairphone, with every module screwed into place. Except the battery, you can just take that out by hand.
Yeah sure, they’ll probably also have typed all posts on Lemmy, including those that have not been posted yet.
What if the monkeys evolve to higher intelligence as time passes by?
Seems that Austria is just as racist as France, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, England or the USA. I probably missed a few along the way.
You are the utter cunt here yourself, with your short-sighted opinion. Can’t you see the parallel in polluting something of value? Like is being done to our planet? And those people’s grandchildren will be even more annoyed when they have hardly any food left, with weather catastrophies ruining their existence. OK, that was a bit harsh, but you catch my drift.
As she did not confess in court, I’m keeping the option open that she could be innocent. We’ve had those cases before.
People don’t care about how badly chicken are treated or the amount of feed they require, they just want domething tasty to eat, all for themselves.