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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2024


  • Just the usual right- wing propaganda and conspiracy theories brain-washing people.

    Some only vote against their own interests (like all the AfD fans believing those are the ones protecting them from the government plans to drown them in foreigners), some hurt themselves (like when they rebel against the evil government’s plan to kill them all off with vaccines to make room for easier to control people), some attack minorities (that are totally trying to take over their country… any moment now), and some -like this especially moronic guy- feel the need to punish German citizens (because they elected that government that is totally trying to islamize Europe by importing radical muslim refugees).

    All fell victim to basically the same right-wing fairy tale: the great replacement…also an anti-semite classic.

  • Sure… let’s keep hallucinating how a Trump win is some isolated result and how other countries will cope with it.

    They won’t. They will follow the same route.

    The exact same propaganda that fried US citizen’s brains is working everywhere and it’s completely irrelevant if the current German government is united for another year or disbands in 5 minutes. The next election will see the same kind of right-wing lying populist morons, just in a slightly different flavor, win in Germany (it’s no coincidence they spend the last years in communication with MAGA idiots for pointers how to campaign).

  • That sounds like the non-techies would be able to fix it themselves on Windows without you being around, which in my experince isn’t the case.

    It might be different for you with a lot of tech-affine people in your family. But for those of us being forced to be the tech support anyway, it can really make a difference if you have to fix a Linux issue once in a while or have to reinstall Windows for the 5th time this year…

  • They don’t hate them. They just want to cut all support for citizens to have more money available to finance more tax cuts for rich people.

    But to do this you need to somehow convince the masses that money spend on them is a bad thing. For decades trickle-down fairy tales of how spending money on the already rich ones will help the economy and then be beneficial for all worked. But not anymore. So the next phase in desinforming gullible voters is much more dystopian and involves straight out brain-washing to decouple them from reality and make them believe that people actually helping them are evil and need to be fought.