This hurts to read because of how badly written it is. Do you not read what you’ve written?
This hurts to read because of how badly written it is. Do you not read what you’ve written?
Hahah, what the hell is that thumbnail? Never thought I’d see Gaben do a duck-face selfie, edited or not.
Disturbing? Yes. Surprising? No, sadly.
You have weeks or months of “this thing doesn’t look good, the beta sucked, it’s just the same as before etc.” Then millions of people buy it anyway.
I’m absolutely loving it, the combat is great, love the world and graphics, love the exploration.
And did you not read the title? Your whole comment is just idiocy.
Firstly, that’s not certain at all, yet. Secondly “spoiler alert” goes first, you don’t write the spoiler then the alert, your inability to understand that says no one should trust anything you say.
How did you miss the important specificity of “kernel level”? No one is hating on “normal” anti-cheat, but kernel level is not acceptable, which is why just that has been the thing people have hated for several years.
It really isn’t minuscule, it’s still confusing enough for the vast majority of people. Just the fact that there are different servers and them having to learn about that is enough to put people off. Anything more complicated than basic sign-up/in weeds out 90% of people, every tiny little thing they need to learn makes it less likely they’ll even think about using it.
This is obvious. The way you and many others here think about how knowledgeable, tech-literate and willing to lift just one extra finger the average person is isn’t correct, people are dumb and lazy. And it hurts the fediverse as a whole and slows adoption.
Your opinion and my reply here have been said thousands of times, I don’t understand how your kind of ignorance and misunderstanding is still so prevalent, I see it almost weekly.
Is just not as good*
“Hey, this thing looks kinda creepy, what’s with the creepy music?”
How do you not understand that someone just having it and someone actively using it is completely different?
The US flag has always been an icon of bad things, stupidity and ignorance.
Apparently you can’t read.
Trump does evil thing
people like you: BUT BIDEN BAD!!
An unmentioned kinda out-of-the-box thing is Garry’s mod (gmod). Pretty sure there are downloadable models and/or skins for nazis, and you have a ton of tools for fucking them up in the most spectacular ways possible. There are mods for gibbing, better blood and bulletholes and stuff like that. Make Rube Goldberg machines ending in splattered nazis, strap them to rockets, build mediaeval torture devices etc. The fucking up nazi possibilities are endless!
“Is an incredible fun”
Words hard, apparently.
Yep, and doing it in the coolest, funniest ways possible. And doing shit with the bodies like throwing them off high places, shoving them into fireplaces, and gleefully smashing their dead faces.
That photo is perfect, they both look completely ridiculous (well, more so than usual).