• 7 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024

  • I’m unclear why you’re being downvoted for sharing reccomendations. So, because I’ve experienced similiar issues when I DID understand the downvotes, I’ll assume someone downvoted you because Brave isn’t their browser of choice, and they’re sitting at their computer like “NO! NOT BRAVE! WHY DOESN’T EVERYONE USE (insert obscure browser which may actually be a better experience, but only 50 people have ever heard of) INSTEAD??? WHY MUST THEY RECCOMEND THE MAINSTREAM BROWSERS???”

    And then 3pm comes, and it’s time for him to give his sheets to his mommy for the weekly laundry.

    Meanwhile, me, someone who’s used Firefox exclusively since 2004, is thinking “Hmmmm, maybe I SHOULD branch out and try other browsers! I’m sure I could try Brave? I’ll be…BRAVE…enough to try a new browser!”

    And then I give myself a big hearty laugh as I drink a sip of my hot chocolate, and proceed to live the rest of my life not giving a shit why you were downvoted. Oh, also, have an upvote!

  • Ok…well. I see what you’re saying, but consider this.

    Before the ACA, I didn’t have medical coverage at ALL. Hospitals just didn’t exist to me. There was a day in 2005 where I had incredible pain. Could not move. Like, could not move an inch. Otherwise the pain would get so much worse. Not that I was pain free laying still. I was still in tremendous pain. But it’s like the difference between a knife being stuck in your arm, and twisting the knife thats stuck in your arm.

    And this pain was coming from the inside. After 3 days of laying in a pool of my own sweat, the pain subsidded enough for me to take a shower and use the bathroom. I was now peeing blood. I layed in my bathtub, called off work, and was 95% sure I was dying.

    Eventually the pain went away on its own. I stopped peeing blood. 10 years later, I had the same thing, but not as painful. But it was a very distinct pain. It was like shards of glass were inside your nerve endings and kept traveling from your lower back, down to your balls, inside your balls.

    Except this time, I had the ACA. Turns out I had several kidney stones that were too big to pass. After they did this thing where everybody stuck lazors up my pee hole, and shot them like star wars, they said some of them were smoothed over, which suggested I had them for years. I explained what had happened 10 years earlier, and he said "yeah that has been inside you, for 10 years. We broke it up, and it should be expelled via your pee over the next day or so.

    Then I peed blood for a month.

    Then a few years later I got cancer. They took a reading of red blood cells. They said a healthy blood count for a male my age and size would be a score between 14-18. Anything below 6 is considered potentially fatal. I was at like 4.6. They said I should have been so weak that I shouldn’t have been able to walk.

    So I spent the next year in recovery. I’ve now beat cancer. I’ve expelled kidney stones that were bigger than my peehole, and thus would have been stuck forever causing me pain.

    I looked at one of my 3 month quarterly “statement not a bill”, and without coverage, one quarter of cancer treatment would have been over 1 million dollars. I’d have been dead. Now due to my income, I haven’t paid a dime of that.

    Sooooooooo, ACA may not be perfect, but I’m a big fan for sure.

  • You make some valid points, but I think with so many properties at play, sure ONE title would be chump change for Disney. But imagine the thoussnds of properties they own. Let’s go low. Lets say disney owns 1000 IPs. I know the real number is mucb higher, but I’m keeping it simple for concepts sake.

    So 1,000 IPs x 5,000 per IP. That’s 5,000,000 in fees.

    Now lets say only 400 of those IPs are making any money at all. The other 600 are just burning money every 14 years and dormant. It also costs them in other ways. Ever wonder why Disney doesn’t just upload every single piece of obscure media it already owns to Disney+? It’s because hosting is expensive. So them hosting some obscure non-mickey mouse cartoon from the 1940s would cost them copyright fees AND server costs.

    Eventually Disney would say “hey, we can free up 3,000,000 just in fees alone, plus additional costs of hosting fees would be gone too!”

    Whereas individuals, I don’t think it would be a case of choosing between food and copyright. If you know for 14 years the renewal is coming, just save $34 a month x 150 months = 5,100. 14 years is 168 months for reference.

  • Ok…see this??? See this shit??? Let’s recap. Connor Gaydos, the “birds aren’t real” guy, bought the name “Enron” in order to use it for a company that deals in cryptocurriencies. You know. That thing that was hot for a bit until it became obvious they were all scams.

    And now this is happening.

    This sequence of events, is so long in the making you’d have to back to the days of Elian Gonzalas being held at gunpoint in a Miami closet, to cover the whole debacle.

    And with all this in your face absurdism, with this much history of being untrustworthy and corrupt, we live on a planet where people thought “Yeah. Yeah this is what I want. Thismay as well happen.”

    Do you see why I say I’m surrounded by morons? I live on the same planet that these events transpired. Even The Onion is like “GOD DAMNIT!!! STOP STEALING OUR ROUTINE!!!” as they scream angerly into general society.