I got it on a Pixel 7, but I uninstalled it because I’m not trying to have Google spy on me for yet another reason.
I got it on a Pixel 7, but I uninstalled it because I’m not trying to have Google spy on me for yet another reason.
I, in fact, do not know how the sausage is cooked. It’s great!
I would assume that the post got to their feed through an intermediate instance that they are federated with, yeah?
Sounds like you need a union.
Your employer is required to pay you minimum wage if tips don’t make up the difference. If people stop tipping entirely, it actually will impact your boss.
I’m using GNUCash. I have no idea if it’s good or not, because that’s all I’ve ever used, but it works well enough.
Let me know what specific industrial machine you’d be interested in, and I can take a crack at a design. No promises though.
The government should be giving everyone health care.
Single-payer healthcare is cheaper than the current system. No amount of spending in an unrelated area is preventing us from having cheaper universal healthcare.
Single payer healthcare would save money. No amount of unrelated spending is preventing us from having universal coverage. It would be cheaper to switch.
Killing one specific person and then fucking off does not, a mass-shooting, make.
You do not want to have a gun that you’re not comfortable with. Having to deal with a high stress situation and then trying to use a gun when you don’t have brain-dead levels of familiarity with it is asking the trouble. Luckily it’s fairly cheap to build most of the muscle-memory with dry-fire and handling drills. But if you plan on using it for home defense or personal protection, you need to be prepared so that your mind can focus on other things during your troubles.
Local and grid level storage can and should be included, but base-level nuclear is also good.
Yes, the anti-trust lawsuit should culminate in one part of a tech giant being sold to another tech giant.
I didn’t know that! From the other comment, sounds like it’s basically fixed.
Nice, good to hear.
Does it still have that weird problem where you’re not allowed to modify surfaces because of the way you created them? Last time I tried using it, I couldn’t create a mirror copy of a shape and then edit the mirror. I could only edit the source, which then applied the changes to all the parts.
It’s immaterial who pays them, the end result is that the product is more expensive to export to the country who levies the tariff. If everyone does them to one country at the same time because they did bad stuff, that’s a sanction.
The salaried exception floor hasn’t been raised in forever, it needs to go way up.
Yeah that touchscreen tablet convertible machine is what has me psyched. I’m not the target for it, and already own a 16, but I could see that thing selling well. I honestly think they came out with the desktop because they just kinda felt they needed a desktop.