That explains why they can go under the prices of the competition. Can’t go much cheaper than slave labour.
That explains why they can go under the prices of the competition. Can’t go much cheaper than slave labour.
Accussed? If I remember, he did interfere with the election in America by trying to ‘purchase’ votes (Insanity that this is allowed);
Citizens United ruling says money is speech. So in the US, this is unfortunately 100% legal.
Not in the EU though…
It’s slowly becoming a point of abject loathing. Many of us openly laugh at Tesla drivers, not in the least because they’ve taken the crown of “deadbeat drivers” from BMW & Mercedes a long time ago. See an asshole on the road? 66% chance it’s a Tesla.
Musk needs to die. He’s the single most dangerous person on the planet, moreso than Trump himself or even Putin.
I hope some brave schmuck close to him is prepared to sacrifice everything. I would do it myself if there was any realistic chance of success.
And before this disappears due to “advocating violence” - he and his ilk don’t just advocate violence but actually visit it upon us, on a daily basis. Fuck off with your righteousness. Tyrants should never be suffered.
You’re kidding, but look up the first “successful” seat ejection from a standstill. The cockpit was designed so badly that the steering wheel or w/e actually hooked on the release trigger for the ejection seat, ejecting a pilot while still on the ground. Ahh, those Russians.
I was under the impression that takes an act of congress. Which means without a majority there, you’ll never get it.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Same as it ever was.
Google speedrunning irrelevancy I see. Their search results are already garbage. Things like this just make me (and others) that much less likely to use them at all anymore.
Doesn’t matter, I couldn’t afford a 5090 anyway.
First time in history? Did we forget about the Herman Cain awards already?
People are too hung up about anonimity on the internet. When one of my country’s worst journalistic shitrags mandated a real name policy due to the rampant racism and other -isms in the comment section of their articles… nothing changed. People are happily spewing the same vile rethoric as before and proud to, instead of being shamed into silence.
I checked out of Wow a few expansions back, haven’t regretted it yet. I too was a day 1-player but the current game is so far removed from its roots it might as well be another game altogether.
Gonna have a tough time competing with Steam Deck if they are up to their old proprietary tricks. Only way they could undercut that is by slashing the price, but considering what a PS5pro goes for, I doubt it.
We love to commiserate. Shared pain = half pain in my mother tongue. Shared laughter = double laughter.
He’ll not be remembered kindly by history for this. Even if he was objectively decent president.
He might consider it a badge of honor instead.
Not a single peep about false positives.
I’m sure it won’t be abused though. And if anyone does complain, just get their electronics seized and checked, because they must be hiding something!
It saddens me to realize all those poor devils had as much right as I do to a prosperous life. And I’m nowhere near a prosperous life, but still miles ahead of these victims - through absolutely no action or value of my own, only sheer random chance in the birth lottery.
This world is fucked in so many ways. Probably every single one if you overanalyze the situation.
This is a game of whack-a-mole with dire ramifications.