To suggest some things not directly related to the workplace:
- look into things like community pantries and community gardens, https://www.detroitagriculture.net/ is a good example of what can be achieved over several years
- try to match up within your neighborhood unemployed adults and low-income parents who need babysitters on weekends or outside of school hours
- try to convince the (relatively) more wealthy members of your community to help organize free breakfast for the neighborhood kids
- organize study/homework sessions for the neighborhood kids and/or adult learners
These are all ways to increase the resilience of your community and reduce their dependency on their paychecks. These will also increase trust and reflexive solidarity between community members. This in turn starts making unions and strikes feasible.
To extend your metaphor: be the squirrel in the digital forest. Compulsively bury acorns for others to find in time of need. Forget about most of the burial locations so that new trees are always sprouting and spreading. Do not get attached to a single trunk ; you are made to dance across the canopy.