It’s worth it! It almost feels like a truck metroidvania, muddy trails that stopped you in your tracks become easy to navigate as you learn the ropes and unlock equipment. Very satisfying gameplay loop
Nerd, programmer, writer. I like making things!
It’s worth it! It almost feels like a truck metroidvania, muddy trails that stopped you in your tracks become easy to navigate as you learn the ropes and unlock equipment. Very satisfying gameplay loop
I’ve used this with success
And I thought the reports by self-taught vuln hunters were bad 😆 now we don’t even have them thinking for themselves
You’re right, but you’re not going to change their mind. The power of propaganda!
I’m fine with passively supporting sites I visit
What an abysmal site, I had to scroll past so many ads I now wish my instance had downvotes. There were 19 ads in front of the article
The Sims business model
They still don’t have proper shader precompilation? That’s insane to me
I wasn’t born yesterday lmao but thanks for explaining the obvious
Do you really think this guy is lying about it?
I’m not sure if accusing someone of lying about cancer is worse than lying about having cancer, but c’mon
NeoToasty being in charge of memes. What does that mean to shitposters and going forward?
Farming Sim has an esports scene!
Fair, I wasn’t clear! I’m sure Remedy would LOVE to get the game in as many player’s hands as they could
If our kids become farmers they’d have to rely on goberment subsidies and I’m not raising no socialist!!!
Yep, I’m aware of why they went with Epic, but if Epic wanted to make more of a return they’d put the game on the platform with more paying users. But they decided they don’t want that
I think you replied to the wrong post (maybe a client bug?)
Funny comparison. One is a yearly multiplayer-ish release and the other is a sequel to a 13 year old singleplayer action game. I have no doubt AW2 could sell a ton more copies… but they’ve decided they don’t want that
elementary! I like it, been using it since ~2018, I like its style and I don’t mind reinstalling for major updates. They’re pretty seldom if you’re on the LTS branch anyway
Same, I made a playlist so I could listen to it easier!
What lol