Yup, and gov is in vacation until Jan 27th, so when they wil go back to work, Trump in its first week may have already destroyed a couple of things here and there in our economy
France Canada
Yup, and gov is in vacation until Jan 27th, so when they wil go back to work, Trump in its first week may have already destroyed a couple of things here and there in our economy
have you tried strawberry ?
They weren’t even asking for that much
20% raise on 4 years is that much
Mx has a built-in app for this
MX Linux, it’s Debian based but always updated with latest packages day to day. With Xfce, it just works, no fancy DE, no snap, no flatpak, just good old .deb
I mostly compile, it goes up to 20-24GB of RAM used, rest is cache, swap may get a few MB if I compile in debug, but that’s it…
Strange, I also have 32GB of RAM, my swapiness is 15, and my swap is always at 0 bytes used…
Everything started with Reagan, tax cut blablabla and remember Reagan fired more than 11’000 striking air traffic controllers, it was the beginning of the end of unions in USA.
Maybe the same thing will happen here.
Always been weird, this is why for instance my ll alias is:
alias ll='LC_COLLATE=C ls -alFh'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
Well, I have no kids at home anymore so no save on clothing/diapers. I don’t go to restaurant anymore, too expensive. My wine/beer is more than 7% alcohol, so maybe I will save a few ¢ on chips.
2 months, from Dec 15th to Feb 15th. And yes it looks like he is trying to buy some votes. And the check is for people doing 150k$ or less NET, so in QC almost 300k$ gross, as if people doing 300k need a 250$ bonus…
Using it for months/years and never had a problem with it, AMD/Radeon here
I’d try MX 23 AHS version too. And use kernel 6.10 as 6.11 has suspend/resume problem, especially with mediatek wifi card.
I have a mediatek wifi card and need to unload it when suspend.
What wifi card do you have?
chatGPT says it’s a permission error or a mount error. What if you try “sudo nemo” to check the icon?
so, jail? or is she free to roam everywhere in Canada giving the finger at MP?
Trump personally hates Trudeau and will be rough with Canada like in his first term, so Canadians next year will say “hé, let’s get PP as PM, at least Trump likes him so it will be better for our country”
Plus Trudeau is a dead weight and at the bottom of polls, it’s a good riddance he will be out, but PP is not the solution.
Yup I was surprised to see the gallon for US$3, so 3*1.4 (exchange rate) = CA$4.2 per gallon, divide per 3.78 and it makes CA$1.11 per liter
gas in great Montréal: 1.52CA$/L
gas in USA couples minutes drive: 1.12$CA/L
I just filled my tank, ~60L, saved 24$CA
No, and I don’t like people saying Canada Post lose millions per year, it’s a service, like the military, do we say Canadian Forces are losing 40 billions per year?