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I keep quoting this bit from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in the hopes that it will happen to Trump. It hasn’t happened yet, but if we’re lucky tonight…
his own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save humanity, leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain.
Why are you wishing death on someone?
Yes, I am wishing that Donald Trump’s intestine ends up throttling his brain like in a comedic science fiction novel.
On a same level of things that are possible, I am also wishing I held the world speed record for the 100 meter hurdles.
Oh so we can wish death on people and as along as we’re not capable of making it happen it’s okay?
Sorry… you’re asking if it’s okay to wish someone die in a way that is literally impossible? Sure, why not. Go for it.
Seeing as I can’t actually make it happen and it’s not going to happen because I wished for it, that means its okay with you for me to wish for your death?
Let’s maybe focus instead of not wishing death on people? How about I wish Trump was in jail for his crimes and wasn’t able to compete in the race.
I got to say Trump has stayed much calmer than I was hoping he would. I was really hoping she could get him lathered up, and while he’s absolutely crazy for a normal person for Trump he’s fairly normal tonight. It’s a bummer.
I was expecting lots of farting.
Like you, I’m surprised he’s sort-of held it together. They gave him the right drug cocktail I guess.
He lost it a couple of times. He was also making a bunch of weird-ass faces.
woa baby. her response on afganistan is good. damn. oh snap.
Am I the only one who saw her almost call him a bastard