We all have our favorites that we go-to overtime to meet our pirating needs. We’ve also watched a lot of big names in this year alone, go down in a blaze of glory and others in a whimper. I’m awfully curious what, to you, is the biggest loss to date?
For me it’s Uloz, first thing that came to mind. Uloz has served me very well in acquiring music albums through them, for a good 6 years I recall that I used them for getting albums. When they decided to switch the way in how they do their service, that to me felt like a sucker punch. No longer can I just collect album names, find a sacrificial wi-fi network and go to work.
I also remember missing ISOHunt, EmuAsylum, EmuParadise, OG Pirate Bay, AnimeSuge (soon HiAnime once the piss-ants of ACE get their way soon) and I really hope we don’t lose Internet Archive. But with the way it’s been hammered by shitty people and court lawsuits, I predict that it doesn’t really have much time on it’s side in the near future.
All I can say is just thank you to all of those sources and of course the ones everyone is familiar with. Helped save me a lot of money, helped me increase my interests and eh, can’t argue against free shit.
Deeeefonitely what.cd for me. RIP WCD. We have two great music trackers now, but nothing comes close to WCD.
Absolutely agreed
what.cd was a bigger loss than just privacy - what.cd was an enormous loss to preservation of music history
the amount of content that has simply never been available for purchase was incredible, and made available in one of the cleanest and most comprehensively complete taxonomies was amazing
Easily the biggest loss imo. RIP WCD.
What.cd and BitGamer were the two private trackers where I really put in effort not just to seed but to contribute unique uploads.
I stepped away from forgetting for awhile and when I returned both were ashes.
Edit- what are the two good music trackers you’re referencing?
Opheus and REDacted are the two! RED has more and interview signups. I’m only on OPH because they welcomed WCD refugees and it’s been very good.
RED and the defunct Apollo both welcomed WCD refuguees at first, but they filled up fast.
Apollo is still doing awesome! It’s called Orpheus now.
I had no idea Apollo got resurrected. I gave up hope after a few months when it went down many years ago.
Oh yeah! They weren’t down for long before they renamed hahaha
Losing what.cd was like having a Music Library of Alexandria burn down. Such an amazing resource for rare, out of print, obscure, and or otherwise unobtainable media.