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Oh there definitely is something you can help me with honey 😏😈
What do you need sir? 🫣
Can you grab the phone book off the floor over their?
OK sir 🫣
Say, what’s that tattoo on your thigh?
Something fell off the desk could you pick it up for me? Slaps your ass as you bend over and you realize you see my large bulge
Wanna help me out with my big issue in my pants?
I’m sure you could handle it 🥵
I think it’s too much sir 🫣
I believe that you could get halfway 🥵
I’m gonna need you to take some dictation 😂🤣
Yes sir 🫣
There’s something you need to clean up under my desk, that’ll be a start. On your hands and knees, hop to it!
Yes sir 🫣
That’s more like it. I can see you’ll soon fit right in!