I recently discovered this firefox\chrome extension that make streaming videos soo much faster. It also has built in subtitle support that lets you upload subtitles or search through opensubtitles. It’s incredible how much faster videos load https://github.com/Andrews54757/FastStream
how does it work?
Automatic fragmentation and parallel requests for up to 6x faster download speeds. Watch videos without interruptions by predownloading the video in the background.
Looks like it mostly just buffers the video more aggressively. If you have a good Internet connection it won’t do anything useful other than peg the server’s connection downloading the entire video file at gigabit speeds and make it worse for other viewers.
Looks like it has some issues when used with sponsorblock https://github.com/Andrews54757/FastStream/issues/16
Just having the video player be the same across all sites is a win, I don’t even need the multi-threading or pre-cache entire video to love this.