Wow. Some people bought the game for full price recently and now it’s given away for free (with your PS+ subscription) early next month.

    10 days ago

    Were you a big dragon age beforehand? From what I can tell, it seems like old fans actually did like the game but newcomers (who I’m sure were the reason the game morphed so much) had a much colder reception. I loved dao, hated da2, and liked dai but still haven’t taken the plunge on this one.

      10 days ago

      I’m not OP but I am a long time DA fan (in the sense that I have played each game as a non-completionist at or shortly after release, and have often listed Origins as one of my favorite games of all time) and I’m right there with you on the previous games. I found the game totally fine. It was on par with inquisition and better than DA2 imho. If you liked the others and are a fan I think you’ll enjoy it well enough. Sure, some of the dialogue and story is a little stiff, but I think people have rose colored glasses on when they remember DA:O’s story.

      It’s really hard to get people’s real opinion about the new game because a lot of them just wanna use it as a culture war proxy and either hate it because it because they’re anti-LGBTQ, or vehemently defend it to show how pro-LGBTQ they are. Both groups are annoying even though I am a leftist. I don’t really give a fuck about any of that in the context of the game. The game is fun and anyone who is obsessing over the game for political/social stuff probably didn’t actually play it, because it’s a tiny tiny portion of content in the middle of a huge game. People just want to paint this as a bellwether on the future of wokeness in games, when in reality it’s just a bellwether on if people are still into the same ol (fun as hell) BioWare formula.

        10 days ago

        Every time some incel wants to start a conversation about DA:V, I just point them to Baldur’s Gate 3.

        That game is inclusive and diverse, and also fucks - both in the “adult content” sense, disproving their myths about diversity somehow siding together with censorship, and in the quality sense.

        The dramatic fall in writing has happened across the industry and should be no surprise to anyone.

      10 days ago

      It’s on PS plus before 6 months, that should be all the red flags you need not to waste your time.

      The writing is atrocious, the art style is atrocious (personal opinion), the only saving grace is technical execution, the final product is very polished in terms of bugs, stability and performance.

      Old fans dislike the game because all decision making has been removed from the player and it’s a dumbed down fantasy RPG. The combat is so incredibly pared back that you could play it with touch controls (now that it has completed the transition to an action game). It’s not a dragon age game in everything but name. They butchered the game to please the fortnite generation, but no amount of skibidi will bring those players to dragon age, meanwhile the original fans were left behind and consequently opted to play far better games instead, like Baldur’s Gate 3. Bioware is pretty much running on name recognition alone, any talent that existed there has long left the company.