It’s Sunday somewhere already so why wait?
Let us know what you set up lately, what kind of problems you currently think about or are running into, what new device you added to your homelab or what interesting service or article you found.
I’ll post my ongoing things later/tomorrow but I didn’t want to forget the post again.
Half finished projects
Same as it ever was.
Same as it ever was.
I know this isn’t sexy but I’ve been working on my documentation. Getting configs etc properly versioned in my gitea instance, readmes updated etc. My memory is not what it once was and I need the hints when things break.
Same here. I got Gemini to write a shell script for me that I can run on my Proxmox host which will output all of my configs to a .txt file. I asked it to format the output in a way a LLM can understand so I can just copy/paste it next time I need to consult AI.
This sounds interesting. Although I’m not even sure of what sort of configuration I would need to keep between reinstalls lol.
Mostly the stuff in /etc/pve, plus whatever you installed in additional software
Pretty cool! I also try to improve my documentation
Setting up let’s encrypt auto cert renewal with ACME. Also looking to setup some monitoring service, basic stuff like CPU, memory usage etc. If anyone has recommendations that have an android app available, that would be awesome. I love that little tool.
Cert renewal via DNS-01, independent of any other services or ports. Set it up like 7 years ago and haven’t had to touch it since.
I’m personally using Prometheus Stack and like it, but I just check Grafana in my Android browser. I think Zabbix has an Android app but I don’t know if it has as many possibilities as Prometheus.
Managed to set up immich remote machine learning (old 7th gen Optiplex to gaming PC). If only I bought an nvidia card… I wasn’t able to get it my AMD 7800 XT to work with immich ML… Next up is setting up microservices because immich is crippling my unraid server 🤦🏼😭
Wow. I was thinking of setting up immich. Why is it crippling your unraid server?
Honestly I’m not sure. I had the ML on my AMD gaming PC but the other (metadata and thumbnail) services were still on the unraid server… Photoprism doesn’t have that issue at all…
I’ve switched back to PP until I sort out the microservices…
Today I’m experimenting with Ansible. Wanna try setting up a Docker hosted RSS reader with it. Hopefully will write up controls for my whole Docker server with Ansible once I’m more familiar.
I’ve been trying to learn K8s and more recently the Gateway API. The struggles are that most Helm charts don’t know Gateway (most are barely Ingressroute) and I’m trying to find a solution to one service affecting the other gateways.when a service cannot find a pod, the httproute fails and when one route fails, the ingress fails. It’s a weird cascading problem.
Right now, I’m considering adding a secondary service to each gateway that resolves to a static error page. I haven’t looked into it yet; it cane to me in the brief moment of clarity before I fell asleep last night.
Also, I may be doing everything wrong, but I am learning and learning is fun.
Moved my fediverse apps friendica, lemmy, 35c. (only user is me) to one server since it was overkill having 2 barely using 8% if that if their cpu/ram. Suprisingly easy with yunohost backups, remade users and restored backup if just the apps. Updated enhance panel, switched the sites im making for family to use as a portfolio for local webdev to ols, fairly easy, was using wordpress templates wrong so I fixed that and redid the home pages, now I feel less confident with wordpress and wonder if ive always made sites wrong, think i just forgot since its been years.
Great to hear the yunohost migration worked. What’s 35C?
I initially fd it up because I didnt deselect everything but the apps, but I at least thought to backitup and dload it locally beforehand so it was an easy/quick recovery
I have no idea lmao, prob a typo lol, I had streams and pleroma as well
This is what I found, a Discord bot. Hopefully GP comes back with an answer.
My girlfriends phone was having issues connecting to self hosted servers, so I set her DNS from private to network default. Hope this helps any android users that may have issues.
I setup a VPN for my moms Synology so I can request and download media for her through my local qbit instance and using Radarr/Sonarr to move the files over.
I have a problem where both arrs don’t auto start when I power up the debian VM in Proxmox even though the daemon is running and restart policy is set to always…
She doesn’t make a lot of requests so I just go and start them manually but I would eventually like to get it fixed…
I finally set up Joplin server. It is a revelation after too long using Syncthing to sync databases. I wasn’t able to use Joplin on Android anymore- the sync to file system had gotten too slow. Now everything syncs pretty much instantly!
Anyone know how to set up NPM on truenas scale? I’ve spent all day trying to get my SSL certs and it fails every damn time. Just says the donation is unknown or that it can’t find my npm install 😮💨
I’m using a freedns domain tho so maybe I’m gonna need to try buying a domain.
So I recently sandboxed a webapp I am getting ready to launch.
Basically Unifi switch > Vlan port > Server > Hosting Webapp instances, worker instance, cloudflared and DBs.
Pretty chuffed at the docker config actually. Just configuring my WAF and tunnel settings with Cloudflare to reduce the scanning from VPS providers. Anyone have a solution or will I need to configure some sort of nginx instance to do it as Cloudflare only allows a certain length for each WAF rule for free.
Side thought, does anyone know of a tutorial for CICD to auto build my containers and deploy? I’ve been reading github and codeberg docs and playing around to no avail. I’m temped to just write a go script to handle it on my server.
Crazy enough, I have everything going that I want to on my server!
- *arr suite and jellyfin
- traefik reverse proxy with crowdsec + bouncer for some sites (e.g. not documents or media)
- paperless-ngx for documents
- immich for photos
- leantime to manage personal projects
- Book stack for a personal wiki
- calibre-web for my library
- syncthing for file and music syncing so I don’t have to stream music
- valheim server for me and my friends
- boinc for turning my server to a productive heater in the winter
- home assistant for my in-renovation smart home
As far as my server goes, I have everything I need. Maybe setting up something for sharing files over the web if needed. I used nextcloud for that before it killed itself completely and I realized I never really needed it.
Next is working on my smart home because we had to fully strip the house to renovate. KNX first, zwave for things that KNX doesn’t have or are crazy expensive, ESPHome for everything that the other two can’t accomplish. Minimal 2.4GHz interference and don’t have to rely as much as possible on flaky wireless in a brick house.
OpenWRT on a new router. The wifi works better, ethernet works up to 980Mbit/s and I don’t have all my traffic routed trough a Huawei device.
And it allows you to configure everything.
What router did you use?
Linksys MR7360. I just got official support, so i had to install a snapshot and manually install luci.
Why this one? Because it was 50% off due to a local shop closing. Last one on the shelf too.
Running opnsense here and just plain having my own firewall is the coolest thing.
I need to switch to OPN. Was on pfSense Plus until they csncelled the free licenses so I finally “downgraded” to pfSense CE and now I’m finding it hasn’t been updated in 2+ years and I’m really missing having DHCP hostnames being added to local DNS automatically.
I’m trying to figure out setting up TrueNAS scale and docker for the first time. Building a NAS and self hosting a few things from an old all in one mini PC.