The federal government is by far Kansas City’s largest employer and a major economic engine. Experts warn the region’s economy will feel the pain when jobs disappear.
Last grocery shop in the Intermountain west, 1 dozen was over $10. May be re-evaluating recipes for a bit. Could sub 2 pounds of sausage and still save money.
Holy shit I thought 6.15 for dozen was cheap here where I am at. Thanks for information. What the value difference in currency?
Currency converter says $3.93. So not quite half price, but still a lot cheaper than in the U.S. right now I guess.
Sure is, rest groceries and housing doing well too? And how the job hunt going?
No luck on the latter yet, but the former two are not at issue at the moment, thanks.
Yeah I to am having issues in the job part. Hard looking for work in your mid forties.
Late 40s here. So yeah, we’re in a very similar boat.
Good luck to you.
Thank you just applied to the large glass plant in town. Its a union job I hope I get it.
I hope so too!
Last grocery shop in the Intermountain west, 1 dozen was over $10. May be re-evaluating recipes for a bit. Could sub 2 pounds of sausage and still save money.