I smoke a lot between ages 16 to 36, so I should be dead yesterday.
I smoke a lot between ages 16 to 36, so I should be dead yesterday.
Man why couldn’t he be more like Luigi? Then we be rooting for him. Instead he mega domestic terrorist.
It was toilet paper, but I was afraid of that.
Means used clothes will rise in cost?
Is the Biden administration going do anything about this before Trump takes over and ignores our territory.
Oh yeah my brother loves his TikTok and so does my dad. I watched my brother he will just endlessly scroll and watch the dumbest shit you can imagine. That not even all the alt right shit he consumes on there. Hell I had to do a quick google search to prove a post as fake. Some rando says the tiger king was pardon or Biden was rounding up trump supporters and my brother bought it. I prove both post wrong and tried to explain that it was a propaganda tool to keep him stupid and in the dark. Still uses it.
I too have over 200 games on Epic and have purchased non of them. This is none news. I buy my games on Steam and get my free games on Epic.
Water is wet news at 11. Trump doesn’t pay his bills Grand Rapids was dumb to allow him to rally there.
My mom and stepdad lived in a motel for 5 years. Saved up and then bought a house. I did the motel thing before myself. Sure beats sleeping on the streets.
Trump said nothing about buying it, just that US had to have it.
Maybe he doesn’t want to get targeted by the adjuster. I mean killing CEO and the rich is hot right now with the 99%.
Good hope they sue him for fucking billions and win.
So they get a raise while shutting down the government right before Christmas. Effectively putting thousands of federal workers without pay. I see where their priority are.
Why couldn’t this fuckwit target billionaire CEO? I mean even he wanted to kill gay people there was always Peter Tiel. I don’t condone violence, but if you’re going do a mass shooting how about leave rhe gays and children out of it and go after the ones causing society collapse.
JD Vance said school shootings are just a fact of life. How about we make him wrong and turn the tables.
Just my two cents. Just sick of hearing about a mass shooting ever single day. How about more Luigis and less this bullshit.
Dude my grandmother died of Covid in August pf 2020, and yet my father and his sister who is a nurse and gave her the dease arge to this day weather covid is bullshit or not. AT HER funeral they argued about mask mandates. Maga brains will watch millions die from covid, and polio and still call it fake news.
Dude he doesn’t care Twitter did exactly what he bought it to do. It can burn to the ground far as he is concerned. He bought himself a president and will be put in charge of the government that reglates his businesses. Dude going make more then he loss on Twitter .
Thank you doing the lords work.
Thanks that fucker is terrifying. I hope they don’t get confirmed. Also hope the fucker catches a case of polio then maybe he will sing a different tune.
Pay walled anybody got a link I can read the fucking article? Sick of paywalls especially on stuff this important.
I know isn’t that some bullshit. Woman own zero guns and was just lashing out. And we couldn’t even crowd source her bail which was set at 100k.
This motherfucker had bombs and was planning a mass killing he gets 25k. America were fucked and we need to start a revolution. Because proof where in a class war.