Disinformation similar to the pro-Russian “Matryoshka” campaign is emerging on Bluesky, using deepfakes and fake profiles to spread pro-Russian messages, prompting calls for more proactive action from the platform.
Disinformation similar to the pro-Russian “Matryoshka” campaign is emerging on Bluesky, using deepfakes and fake profiles to spread pro-Russian messages, prompting calls for more proactive action from the platform.
Bluesky list you can subscribe to and block these suspected accounts
Love all these updating block lists that bluesky has. It’s great.
Just be very sure you trust the list owner, as some have already started doing shit like turning them into grudge lists once a bunch of people subscribe, using lists that are popular for leftist reasons to mass add trans people without subscribers knowing, etc. I think Bluesky has been cracking down on that sort of thing, but it’s also something they can only act on once they know about it.
Lemmy needs these.
And instead of calling it a ban list we’ll call it a Linkerbaan list.
@rahaeli.bsky.social is an old school trust and safety worker/Dreamwidth admin who also runs an excellent collection of lists of inauthentic accounts.
Yeah she’s great.
deleted by creator
Be the change you want to see (ie. make it :))
I would if I had the time and energy, but I already gave up, I can’t go around chasing chairos (the mexican goverment bots) all over bluesky just to make a list when I just open it a couple times a day and just check the posts from the people I follow (specially since most of the spanish content comes from spain [which I just don’t care about] and the english content is SO OBSESSED with musk and its cheeto bitch… I miss when it was almost only artists and furries)