Some of what he says in it is a little dated since it directly references the 1991 Gulf War, but Jello Biafra’s “Die for Oil, Sucker” applies to today in so many ways as well.
Government says there’s no more draft… Just a registry for boys who could be drafted…not that it’s gonna happen.
So rest assured, there’s no more draft, until Congress implements a new draft
You say that like they’re trying to hide it, but it’s literally the stated purpose of the Selective Service registration. Nothing surreptitious about it.
Conscription is the only option many governments have (including possibly, one a draft-dodging Trump-led presidency is considering). The rest of the world is not like Finland. If conscription becomes the norm, anti-establishment actions will become more commonplace.
As an American, I’m all for forced conscription.
Only because it forces people who otherwise try to be “not political, teehee” and pretend our corrupt, captured, failing nation is fine to wake the fuck up and revolt.
For the record, in normal times, I think there should be mandatory national service for a year, but I don’t agree a year of service has to be or even should be military. There should be a strong peace core that builds housing for the homeless, provides community services, etc.
I think it would give the US what it most needs and lacks almost entirely: empathy. Especially for our worst off, most suffering citizens.