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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • Meanwhile student loans are chains many carry through half their lives, a debt they cannot discharge, that limits all their choices for decades and shapes their very lives for the worse barring good fortune, tokens the owners (and their most deluded sycophant peasants) point to as a universal to victim blame. A blight completely foreign and invisible to familes of means.

    At least the borrowers that don’t understandably kill themselves after being lied to about higher education guaranteeing the success to pay them back easily.

    But insider trading at the oligarch, exploitation chip casino? Those are jerb creators! The sociopath wolves are not subject to the rules of their sheep.


  • It was a good run America, my country.

    Native American genocide, Slavery, Jim Crow, today’s migrant labor exploitation, largest prison population on Earth because private profit, Only “developed” nation without universal healthcare because private profit, waged war and conducted extralegal operations around the world to topple prosocial, anticapitalist regimes to keep their resource markets open for our profiteers exploitation, heavy handed influence on other countries to prioritize GDP metastasis over their people’s wellbeing.

    No it fucking wasn’t. We talked a big game of benevolence, even might have veered towards a path of becoming benevolent in the wake of the capitalist created great depression, but that didn’t last long. We were shit all the way down, and a destructive force in this world to this day.

    North Korea, Russia, China, all bad actor authoritarians that only care about their own elite’s power at their people’s expense. That doesn’t make us a good actor, merely a better marketed/propagandized bad actor that belongs in their company.

  • Yep, this country wasn’t over when Trump got elected either time. He’s a symptom of this country’s death in its current form under the current constitution.

    Reagan was the deathblow, this has just been leftover momentum, that appears to have finally waned. From Trickle down, to legalized bribery, to conversion of their former opposition party into neoliberal corporate bribe takers, to ending real news in favor of corpo serving propaganda like “climate change is a hoax to sell books, CONSUME” on and on.

    Trump’s authoritarian rise is just akin to vultures helping themselves to the corpse. This country has been little more than an oligarch exploitation piggy bank for half a century.

    Yes it would be painful, but we’d need to tear it down and start over, as the core constitutional mechanisms for change have been circumvented through intential propaganda to sow division and protect the sociopathy of our economy from the citizens it hurts and murders for private profit. But we won’t out of cowardice, so climate change will do what we’re too social opiate addicted and fearful to do in a couple decades when it will hardly matter anymore.

  • Fuck no.

    The answer to capitalists demanding more desperate slaves isn’t to provide them more desperate slaves.

    It’s the opposite. For all the power the global oligarchs have over all of us, it’s one of the few things they’d have a great deal of difficulty forcing at gunpoint, as that just makes a stronger case for a mercy coat hanger abortion (since they’ll be outlawed everywhere sooner or later to feed the needs of the glorious capital markets) later on.

  • Dont forget, before the attempted coup, the government tried extend the work week from an already draconian 50 to 70 hours.

    Making the young pay for the sins of the old and their greed/growth/metastasis disease. It’s sickening. It’s the opposite of planting trees whose shade you’ll never sit in. It’s malice towards any future because your time is up and want the world to pay for your bitterness.

    It’s what global capitalism has lowered our species to. “have kids you can’t afford to take care of me in old age for a subsistence wage, burn up your lives in my honor, me me me!”

    As someone forced to take care of an abusive parent until they grew too weak to physically hurt me over the course of my childhood and teens, I very much intend to put a gun in my mouth before I’d let my eventual, inevitable decline become any younger person’s problem, whether my own child or not. I think anything else is the height of selfishness.

  • Exactly, it’s not about the broken people doing unspeakable things.

    It’s about stooping to their level as a society, about being loathsome enough to demand an eye for an eye instead of being compassionate in the face of cruelty.

    Honestly, you show me a serial killer, and I’ll show you someone who almost certainly has clinical sociopathy in addition to other diagnoses which means they belong in a maximum security psychiatric hospital for the rest of their lives out of public safety, just like the sociopaths who hoard extreme levels of wealth to buy politicians and hurt/murder people through policy beyond their single vote for private profit who are clearly mentally ill should be.

    The thing about the US though, is that we are a bloodthirsty, vengeful, schaudenfreude addicted society.

    I’ve heard my fellow Americans wish death upon the homeless without the slightest bit of shame, whose only crime was failing to be good capital batteries, on the basis of lowering property values.

    It’s true no society should be judged by their elite citizens, but by how we treat our prisoners. By that metric, there are few societies lower than ours with the world’s largest, often for profit prison population provided virtually no rehabilitation and literally set up to fail when they get out.

    We are a monstrous nation. Not the only monstrous nation by any means, but up there with the worst by the scale of cruelty inflicted.

  • It provided jobs and expertise in good times, before the Walmarts and Targets and then Amazons merely offered cheap.

    Like so many things, it was better when there were stores for everything that had to charge more but employed more, tended to have better quality, better sourced products, and provided actual service, but the short term pied piper of “get it for $6 instead of $14” fucked us all in the long run, we murdered main street and made our own communities worse to save a buck today. Now the jobs that are left suck more, the prices suck from lack of competition, and we need only look in the mirror to see who enabled their con.

    At least in the whole being a society and not a bunch of rugged individuals in a race to hell sense.

    Not that party city or any specialized retailer has been a quality source for products or expertise in a long time. From Bed Bath and Beyond to Toys R US, specialized retailers are just zombie chains clinging to a societally better economy and culture that died decades ago, forced to abandon service and quality to limp along for another fiscal year until they cease to exist so Walmart can then jack up the prices for their party supplies now that there’s no competition to kneecap for same day balloons.

  • I thought they put the terrorist charge on him precisely to avoid requiring a jury as part of all the rights privileges we surrendered post 9/11 in the name of… Pffff… National security.

    National security being hilarious considering the CEOs are still walking the streets free, murdering citizens for profit having never not being actively sucked off by legislators that passed the patriot act and similar legislation.

    The murderous Shareholders are already inside the house. They own the house. You can barely afford to rent it from them.

  • Often it’s religious nonsense to be fair. “My God has a bigger imaginary dick than your God and I want your people to be forced to pray to mine” is quite common, sadly.

    But obviously this is the other kind, exactly as you say. The rich being shocked and horrified there are consequences for their sociopathic inhumanity. “You cows are just supposed to line up for the captive bolt, you weren’t supposed to kill the bolter! This is outrageous! it’s unfair!”