This might not be the right place for this post but i really don’t know a better community. Anyway, guys i need to ask you about how can i avoid paying customs fees. I lately bought a second hand smartphone from ebay, the seller was from the us amd i am from morocco i expected to pay customs fees besides everything i paid already but paying around the third !!! Of the original price of the phone is crazy!!! Now i need to buy something else but im afraid and not ready to give my money and be scammed by the customs of my country and i don’t have anyone from my family who lives thereto buy that this for me and bring it us a part of luggage. Any solution guys pls 😭 I hope you know something pls share your thoughts with me 👍 Thank you all in advance 💕

    1 month ago

    If seller is willing only way to drop cost of customs is to have the shipper mark it as broken/faulty. Will absolutely not work at all times.

    Edit: or go in person or have someone who is traveling from seller’s country to yours bring it and not declare on customs forms. Also not 100% effective. This is also known as smuggling. For small personal tech items, almost certainly no major repercussions or difficulty. Your milage may vary.