Vance is one of Trump’s most vocal supporters and an outspoken critic of U.S. aid to Ukraine.
. . .
Vance has said that it would be “completely irresponsible” for Ukraine to join NATO. He has also argued for the U.S. to focus solely on preventing Chinese expansion, even if that means sacrificing sovereign Ukrainian lands to Russia.
“Any peace settlement is going to require some significant territorial concessions from Ukraine, and you’re gonna have a peace deal, because that’s the only way out of the conflict,” Vance said in February.
Another Russian stoogie.
Not everyone who disagrees with war or your position on it is deep throating Putin.
Some of them just hate Ukranians for no reason?
Not wanting to fund a war doesn’t mean they hate Ukraine or it’s citizens.
Okay, let me walk you through this.
You see a kid down on the floor being kicked by a bully.
Your ‘solution’ is to not intervene, because you’re ‘against violence’ ?
Fucking logic.
Except the kid is across the world, and we don’t know them very well. Last we heard, they were one of the worst children in the world. Instead of asking the neighbors to pool money to build a boat to go save this kid, you go to all your neighbors and steal that money.
Fuckin’ a logic.
Oh, so you do hate the kid.
That clears it up, thanks.
You’re welcome, glad you could put more words in my mouth.
Tankies hate JD Vance too. The only reason he wants peace in Ukraine is to start shit with China. We tankies don’t want to make peace in one place just to fight somewhere else, we want peace and deescalation all over the globe.
…which is basically enabling imperialism.
It’s wild how eager people are to look at the exact same people who lied us into Iraq and Afghanistan and say, “Yeah, I trust them to have the people’s best interests at heart when they lead us into another conflict.”
Not everybody on Lemmy is American and bound to American news. Some of us live near russia and know first-hand about what it is and what it isn’t.
I know, you americans are really good at “doing your own research”.
Not everyone who went into Iraq or Afghanistan was an American either, the leaders of plenty of other countries supported it too.
Also we’re talking about American politician JD Vance and what he wants to do regarding US foreign policy, so the history of US foreign policy is obviously relevant.
I’m not talking about JD Vance. I’m talking about very convenient to tankies and ruskies “we want peace and deescalation” when Ukraine is devoured by an imperialist, authoritarian shithead.
But again, you’re a self-proclaimed tankie, of course your gobbling authoritarian dick.
Can’t think of a time in history where both sides in a war didn’t claim it was about defense and security, whether it was or not. I remember when they said “Either we fight them over there or we’ll have to fight them here,” and went off to kill a million people in the Middle East, and then they lost, and now, where are all the terror attacks they said would happen? I remember too (though I’m not old enough to have lived through it) when they said if we didn’t go out and kill 4 million people in Vietnam, they’d keep expanding all over and eventually we’d be fighting them here. Well, we lost that one too, and nothing bad happened afterward. So forgive me if I’m just a little bit skeptical of the latest pretext for pouring ridiculous sums of money into the pockets of defense contractors so the rich can get richer while our schools, roads, and hospitals decline further and further into dysfunction.
I am a tankie, yes, because tankies seem to be the only people interested in spending less money on tanks and more on human wellbeing.
Good. No more war. No more foreign aid. We need to focus on Americans and America.
He still wants to send all the aid Israel will not ever want to commit genocide.
Unfortunately the U.S. belongs to Israel.
And fkin lol @ people downvoting:
No more war.
No more foreign aid.
We need to focus on Americans and America.
Holy moly, some of yall are insufferable.
If you think US can sustain itself without foreign products, you’re high on your own farts. Open a window to the basement, get some fresh air.
I never said anything about trade… wtf lol
Holy shit, can you not think just one little step ahead?
You jumped to the conclusion that I’m asking for some kind of self imposed trade embargo. You’re pretending to, “think one little step ahead”… you fkin with a game of checkers, I’m on 4D Chess. GTFO. lmao
Yeah. I can see you’re not the sharpest hoe in the shed.
Playing 4D chess… As the pigeon.