It does, but google decided I needed to buy a new one, not download the manual.
It does, but google decided I needed to buy a new one, not download the manual.
I used to be pretty good at googling stuff, but the last 1 or 2 years it just won’t work anymore. For instance, I had to charge a battery yesterday, and the power led started blinking when I put the battery in. I didn’t know if this meant either charging or faulty battery, so I googled it. Got pages of ads for this particular charger, but no answer. So google is just a big marketplace these days, and nothing more.
Just so you know, a dremel battery is charging when the power led blinks.
Boulderdash II on C64.
To clarify, the pompous part relates to “devote my energies to building up an audience”. But maybe it’s because I devote my energies to shitposting instead. On the other points I can get where you’re coming from.
I will never again devote my energies to building up an audience on a platform whose management can sever my relationship to that audience at will
I don’t know who this person is, but that seems a bit pompous.
I don’t think I’ve ever owned any version of Windows.
I read earlier “someone” were a couple of college students.
There’s a fork of Wordpress which still has the old editor, which looks fine to me. I don’t know anything about the people behind it though, and haven’t yet tried it myself.