Yeah, but if they can do it that fast on their own, imagine how much faster they can get it done with help.
Besides, if China starts getting a little froggy Japan and South Korea are going to need a lot more than a few armaments to ward them off.
Modder, programmer, and all around tinkerer. Yes, I’m that New Vegas and Deus Ex guy.
You can also find me over at kbin.run under the same username. Also kbin.social if it ever comes back from the dead.
Yeah, but if they can do it that fast on their own, imagine how much faster they can get it done with help.
Besides, if China starts getting a little froggy Japan and South Korea are going to need a lot more than a few armaments to ward them off.
NATO was that, but it may very well continue on as something else. Without the US mind you, but nothing says the rest of the NATO countries can’t just decide to stay in.
Of course it might also be a good time for them to all make the international equivalent of the No Homer’s Club. Either way.
It doesn’t, but per comments from the fire department and the gas company there were no signs of leaking pipes or carbon monoxide.
The fact that the dog died makes me think it was environmental of some kind though. Maybe something they all ate/drank?
I’ll take “Streisand Effect” for $2000, Alex.
Technically they aren’t lying: their subjective experience is much better when they don’t have to deal with customers.
If you prevent the FDA from reporting on the bird flu then that means the bird flu doesn’t exist. Easy peasy.
Yeah, even though this is obviously politically motivated, the claim that they’re effectively running commercials isn’t that off base. It was one thing when they’d say “we receive funding from Company X: Their Slogan”, but now they’re reading sometimes paragraphs of ad copy, back-to-back.
Justice Department attorney Daniel Schwei argued that the freeze shouldn’t be put on hold because the plaintiffs hadn’t specified anyone who would immediately lose funding if it does go into effect.
I’m imagining the plaintiffs countered by motioning vaguely at the entire country.
Also fuck this guy. “It doesn’t count unless you specifically identify all the people we’d be victimizing,” is straight up bully logic.
There was that family in NJ that literally named their kid “Adolph Hitler”, so I gotta figure there may be some parents that have given their kids even worse names that aren’t any sort of Scunthorpe problem.
Do you genuinely think the government doesn’t have any trace of whether or not you have changed your gender marker?
Depends on how the state does it. California amends birth certificate in most cases by leaving the previous version of the document as an addendum to the current… except in cases of gender change. If any person or agency queries the document they see a single page that reflect the updated gender, no history.
(They also do this if your name has a slur in it that you want removed, which is nice)
Let’s not forget the embedded racism in the original quote from Terry: “CIA n*ggers glow in the dark.”