I’m currently using Sayonara, but Rythmbox is perfectly fine too.
I’m currently using Sayonara, but Rythmbox is perfectly fine too.
There’s a lot of things that could be included in such a program that would be useful for the general population to know both in times of war and in peace. Civil defense and emergency response. First aid, evacuation of wounded/incapacitated people from dangerous areas. Basic firefighting, shelter locations and evacuation protocols etc.
That might have made more sense if polygraph testing actually performed better than a dice roll. The US Congress Office of Technology Assessment and the National Academy of Sciences could’ve told DHS that, but I guess they didn’t think to ask.
Or think in general.
The MMR vaccine is the sixth most common global immunization. I’m sure they could find some additional doses if they tried just a little.
I’m fine right here, thanks. Although I’d been using Reddit for some time at that point, I permanently left Digg as part of the Great Exodus. I don’t see any particular appeal to going back to a centralized service, especially in the current climate.