That’s a good idea, thank you
Inner Charlie Angus intensifues
That’s a good idea, thank you
Inner Charlie Angus intensifues
How can I help fight this crap?
I will forgive coma patients, and nobody else.
If you’re suggesting that Trudeau bangs Malania then I think this would exceed the peek of his father’s diplomacy.
Love this news
Hopefully I can get Halifax’s Good Robot at the LCBO and other provinces get a chance to try North Bay’s Gateway City beers!
I don’t know many western Canada beers, but I’d like to!
Lots of Alberta and BC distillers are good, I’ve got family who always bring them back to Ontario. Out east I’ve had some good rum from JD Shore.
I love this one, might have to listen to it daily
Skip to 5:20, for some reason there’s just black for several minutes.
Nobody should have ever purchased military equipment with that feature.
Sony forget that the tax cuts actually increase taxes for most working class Americans by $3k a year.
If he backpedals I still hope the LCBO donated all that American liquor to the Legion and bars for one ultra liquor holiday.
They pulled the trigger, I don’t want that shit back on the shelves, even if they do call taksies backsies.
This is fun, thank you for inviting us!
I don’t think Vance has the charisma or character to keep the MAGA interests from eating each other and him.
We really do need nukes. We should have always had them.
Spend that money on a boatyard on Lake Ontario to launch Canadian ships made with Hamilton’s steel.
Spend it nationalizing GM’s plants if they close, so we can keep all the staff on and retool for artillery and drones made in Windsor and Sarnia using Cobalt’s cobalt.
Spend it on our manufacturing industry to machine those new tools.
Spend it on Ontario lumber to help us spin up a thriving furniture and housing industry.
To infinity, and beyond!
I don’t really give a fuck, I’d rather us do something.
Data centers sure, but the cash at grocery stores, and office computers, etc. aren’t on UPS.
I would love to see short brief interruptions.
Not enough that period due, but enough that it’s a huge pain when computer systems go down and network switches have to reboot.
Ford is an asshole, but occasionally he’s our asshole and that’s alright.
I tried.
We had just 49% turnout.
I’m not going to resubscribe all the stuff I just canceled.
I’m not moving digital services back.
I’m not going to be supporting their red voting farmers.