It is and if he loses that wealth I’m pretty sure he is getting kicked to the street. He has no other skills that aren’t readily available by folks who aren’t utterly unstable drug addled dipshits.
It is and if he loses that wealth I’m pretty sure he is getting kicked to the street. He has no other skills that aren’t readily available by folks who aren’t utterly unstable drug addled dipshits.
So if I understand biology correct isn’t he at risk for massive organ failure due to circulation issues and from them just getting too big to function. I can only hope the Allfather strikes him down for his huboristic abuse of medicine.
If memory serves right the President choose their agents since it helps build goodwill. I suspect that everyone in Trump’s secret service are those who got their transfer papers out last.
I swear CRPGs need to be made mandatory for corporate leadership. You will respect the long term 0.05 increase to damage every level you motherfuckers.
Joking aside I do think there should be a dedicated gremlin who’s job is to beat corporate dipshits with a stick everytime they try to pull short term fuckery. Rome wasn’t built in a day, it was built in generations and what do ya know it lasted over two thousand fucking years.
Given the general build quality of Teslas shit it’s entirely possible it just kinda did that.
The point is to undermine their authority in the eyes of those who believe the propaganda. If they are continuously fucking up and costing money then you may get say a state level clerk telling them to fuck off when they inevitably try to fuck with the states, a clerk who may have allowed them to do some very damaging shit
Only if ya pronounce solder right. Prouncing it solder instead of sodder is an attempt to Romanticize English because the island Saxons cant get it through their fucking skulls that they aren’t infact Romans no matter how many Roman arefacts they kleptomaniacly take.
Yeah at least in this circumstance he seems to be a good one. Worst part is there is a non zero chance that he will now be harassed by the MAGAts.
Just bring proper supplies and no one will make fun of you, that includes boots since if the flip flops slip off we’ll say goodbye to thine foot flesh.
And if ya go to the Mojave part ya can also find crazed heatstroked Rednecks who will probably be berating the Germans going to Deathvalley during the summer.
Nah let them go to Florida, gators make for easier cleanup.
I know of an Australian who would be more than willing to abuse a car to see how well it would work.
Leave him hanging across from the 1940s equivalent of 7/11?
A prime example of the fact that the path to hell is paved with good intentions. Also this is why I pull all of my philosophy from slovenly Rednecks and openly crazed philosophers, if ya cant imagine them kicking down the door and lowdly entering the room with a plucked chicken then clearly theg care too much about the social order. Alternatively if they seem like theyd chuck a gallon of hemlock extract of spite to prove a point, that is also acceptable.
Youre assuming the laws of the United states hold. Its entirely possible he could be hung by the Federal government of New England, Pacific states, or even a new Confederation depending on how much he pisses folks off.
The problem with newly born governments is that their weakest periods can often times be their strongest periods since they are liquid and more adaptive.
Just to use an example of what I mean, the modern United States will most likely collapse in on itself due to an over reliance on legalism and folks like Musk and Trump who just ignore it. On the otherhand had Musk and Trump somehow existed back during the founding years of the United States they wouldve been tared and feathered if not just outright shot.
I meant it in the second context, the Freikkorps out numbered them and were functioning as a de facto branch of the Weimar government. Combine that with the fact that the revolt happened when the Weimar Republic was at its strongest and well it was ill advised.
Its also argueable that the slaughter of the Spartacists and leftist in general paved the way for the Nazis. While I dont buy into it I do suspect that if the Sparatacists couldve been a massive boon to the German Resistance later on.
Also I will point out my bias, I do not think direct confrontation is generally all that effective unless its defensive in nature. I believe in absolutely abusing asymmetry when attacking someone. Thusly all my opinions on such actions will default to the idea of abusing asymmetry.
Im just imagining them creating some mind bending 5D object created by one dude who has been demanding funds for decades. Downside is anyone who looks at it for more than 5 seconds has an aneurysm, the sole exception are Autists who start hearing the whispers of dead gods and folks with ADHD because they zoned out and werent actually looking at the flag.
The Spartacist rose up way too damned early and got a solid chunk of what could’ve been resistance elements murdered. Including folks like Rosa Luxemburg who told them it was stupid and too early.
Only usable for federal highways, shit could still be banned by the DMVs or equivalents which would basically be a death knell for it.