upvote for use of capital ß
upvote for use of capital ß
How many PSUs are installed in the Poweredge server? In the manual it says it could be 1 or 2 and the power per PSU could be 1100W so if it is 2 * 1100W then that could explain why the UPS has problems with it.
Check out their road map and the videos of their prototypes. It is very much not a tech bro project :). The first goal isnt event maglev but magnetic propulsion.
If you want to go faster you want to go contactless which means building a whole new, incompatible, network.
retrofitting and hybrid operation seems possible though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevomo
they already built a small working prototype
Also very often overlooked: the Amazonas as we know it today is NOT wild in any way. It is a cultural landscape that started around the time when humans settled that area but not later than 11tya
[…] large portions of the Amazon rainforest are probably the result of centuries of human management, rather than naturally occurring as has previously been supposed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_rainforest#cite_ref-24
a surrender condition that lets Russia retain all the land they’ve taken
A while ago there was a prediction about the true intentions of the russia negotiating: they want to stop Ukraine from succeeding as a state, since that would be a bad omen for a neighbouring kleptocracy.
If this prediction comes true the outcome you describe is actually very unlikely, because the russia would rather continue fighting just to keep the region in shambles.
NetworkManager’s Gnome GUI works with wireguard config files. If you are using Plasma you would need to install some alpha software to do that in the gui but you can always fall back to nmcli which also supports wireguard configs via the import command.
a better than usual split for some families
That is exactly what counts as credit in this case, because this split is made possible by some other families crediting the bid. Basically writing “i dont want this money give it to someone else” on a figurative piece of paper and bidding with that instead of cash.
isnt the name of one of the hl2 maps “little odessa”?
You are technically correct in saying that it’s not a registration. Instead it’s a sponsoring: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sponsored_top-level_domain
On the short term: maybe
On the long term: makes absolutely no difference. Some of the soot from those fires might actually settle in the soil and stay there for 100 - 1000 years, which is probably the least harmful way petro chems could be converted. The portion that would have been converted to plastics and rubber might be a grey zone, but not a large one, since a large portion of that is burned at the end of its useful life.