How are comments handled? Are they combined as well, or are they still fractured?
Oh dear. I suppose it would be too much to ask for the evangelicals to be a bit more chill?
WTF, Uganda? Could you maybe be a bit more chill?
The booster is ~70 meters tall or ~230 feet.
The doctor says something in a stem tone
! moment?
a man described in the medical literature who developed a growth the size of an orange. Yet because it grew very slowly, the man’s brain was able to adjust, shifting memories elsewhere, and his behavior and speech never seemed to change—even when the tumor was removed.
Wow, that’s wild.
At first one half of my thumb was entirely numb, and over the course of well over a decade I’d get pins & needles as bunches of nerves would finish regrowing, except attached to random channels in the nerve bundle, so my brain had to completely remap all those signals to what they actually meant.
It felt super weird because hot, cold, pain & touch were all mixed up, but eventually my brain sorted them out.
Wow, that’s fascinating. Thanks for sharing your story.
I used dimensionality reduction to make it 2D
Huh, interesting. So is the idea to spread the data out as much an possible, while keeping “similar” communities near each other? What was the dimensionality of the original set?
Blender for video editing. I haven’t even touched its 3D animation features.
I do, and can verify that it does ignore a single return character.