renderD128 (Intel dgpu) couldn’t be added to the container (linuxserver image). Will take a look later, when I’m home, to find the issue. But may take your time for the update and don’t yolo it like I did :)
renderD128 (Intel dgpu) couldn’t be added to the container (linuxserver image). Will take a look later, when I’m home, to find the issue. But may take your time for the update and don’t yolo it like I did :)
Since you already got a lot of ELI5s, here is a basic to-do to get you up and running. From my experience, since I use the exact same setup as you describe.
All our nuclear plants are shut down and weren’t maintained for further usage, than that few years ago when they were shut down, for decades. They are basically trash. Now just take a look at UK or France how cheap and easy it is to build new ones (when you can’t sacrifice workers and environment like China). And then take a look at France’s nuclear power production in recent heat summers. And finally take a look where that sweet little uranium is coming from when imported (Germany has none). And now give me a single good reason why investing in nuclear is better than investing in dirt cheap, decentralizeable renewables to cover future electricity needs.