Xournal++ works pretty good in my experience
Xournal++ works pretty good in my experience
Object draw is not a pdf editor sadly, it’s technically something else but I forget what. I made the same mistake a couple weeks back
Fortunately it was just the Nixos foundation that was having issues. The Nixpkg repo and nix package manager were stable
Nix is great, I went from arch to nix and never went back. All the customization, none of the risk. You break your rig you roll back to its previous state
Gnome! I use Nixos so I prefer to use things that can be configured using its system, I like KDE but I can’t find a elegant way to configure the UI layout using nix
I believe vroom, intel usually has good Linux support even having their own optimized distribution
Edit: it may have trouble with older titles
Probably like UEFI
Oh no.
Nix because I have a bad memory and hate doing things more than once
Didn’t say I was a fan
The web platform is pretty jank for software development. Maybe I’m just picky but you call tell the difference most the time. It’s a shame it got so popular
I’m so tired of web engine based apps
Consumer value as in number of valuable consumers we can grift later
Tbh I feel like it’s when they attached them to the internet and over burdened them with system prompts.
The gnome on screen keyboard feels lacking to me, there’s just something up with the user experience that puts me off
Old sat internet is not high speed unless you have your own private sat and are willing to spend crazy amounts of money and they suffer from very high latency. I’m a musk hater but starlink preforms pretty well. My dream is that the US will nationalize spacex and remove musks influence. Nothing but a cancer
This is fake right
Gnome on Nixos I like how standard it is I know what to expect
Nixos, never have that break happen again