I definitely don’t get foot love at all. I have always always always despised feet.
Now, when I’m worked up, you know? There isn’t a part of the body I don’t like at least a little bit haha.
I definitely don’t get foot love at all. I have always always always despised feet.
Now, when I’m worked up, you know? There isn’t a part of the body I don’t like at least a little bit haha.
Taranteentoe? Who dat?
I feel dirty for typing that haha. I love Quinten Tarantino’s movies so much.
He has said it is his favorite word.
What should I do with them? Eat them?
Yes. I should eat them.
I love my cheese I tell ya hwat.
Think about how many cats aren’t being reported.
Like, if my cat drops dead I’m just burying her. No one would ever know.
If the 5 strays that hang outside my apartment died of it I’d just bury them too. No one would have a clue.
I don’t know what they’re reading, but they’re convinced everything is great.
“He’s even more disciplined this time around. And he’s calmer. We didn’t need to be sending condoms to Gaza.”
I’m so tired.
I can’t speak for other people, but if lemmy.world were to shut down today I’d just pick another server.
I will admit, it was confusing and almost turned me off at first. I was very upset about the whole deal with third party apps on Reddit. My daughter gave me the whole email analogy and it cleared my hesitation to join Lemmy.
I don’t know how it is today, but I had to apply to join world when I first got on. It would be awesome if an app would sign a person up for, say, three different servers and sync settings between them. Something goes down, wouldn’t even notice.
Assholes ruin everything though and making it easier for bot accounts to exist would end badly.
I don’t know.
When I first got on here it was a mess. It didn’t work half the time and when it did no content was being generated. I stuck it out though and I’m glad I did.
I’m definitely not the right person to come up with any solutions.
Man. You just gave me an idea (which would matter if I wasn’t a complete idiot).
Instead of servers that all attempt to be a sort of clone of Reddit, servers could focus on content similar to the way subreddits work.
So you’d join any one of these servers and federate with other servers just like now, only content would be focused between servers.
This server is a games server. It has /c/games, /c/fallout, /c/vintagegaming, etc.
This server will focus on news and politics. It has /c/worldnews, /c/marketnews, etc.
Sure, it would still have the issue of being fractured, but it would narrow it down so much that it would be more appealing and easier to navigate.
It’s probably too late for that.
Ultimately, I’m happy with the fediverse. Algorithms aren’t dictating what I see. There’s no profit incentive that will lead to bad decisions, so when bad decisions are made, folks will talk about it and come to a solution.
I miss old Reddit, but it’s gone.
Well, they did.
As a matter of fact they gave my parents multiple loans until it exceeded the value of the house so badly that we couldn’t keep up with it.
They did this so many times for so many people in my neighborhood that the place is now nearly rubble because of it. Oh, and that kind of irresponsible lending led to the 2008 collapse.
What REALLY pisses me off is that feeling that I’m being fucked. My ass has been pulled around to the front like a fucking contortionist and they fucked it right in my face.
Every email with the “stop fascism” this, and “stop fascism” that with the goddamn donate button like they’re actually doing anything to stop it OR that they actually believe it in the first place. You know what? They don’t. It’s politics as usual for these people.
Trump skipped Joe Biden’s inauguration.
These assholes are always pretending to be the good guys, he gave them a free pass to skip his inauguration when he went on and on about the election being stolen. Or, I don’t know, when he had them all running for their lives on January 6.
Seeing all of the former presidents sitting there at his inauguration (including Bush, who by the way has said out loud that the man is a threat to democracy) legitimized his position and everything looked like no big deal to all of the people who aren’t paying attention.
It lends legitimacy to the claim that people are experiencing some derangement syndrome when everybody comes to the big party and it appears to be business as usual.
And you know what? It mostly is. At least to them.
These are a rare breed of people who are nasty enough to seek power in the first place. They get it by being two faced. They get it by exaggerating their feelings. They get it by calling a fellow human being whatever nasty name they can think of and then turn right around and shake his hand with their fake smiles and their suits that cost more than my car.
I. Am. Done.
I’m done responding to them with donations. I’m done being bombarded with cries of threats that they don’t take seriously except to say what they need to say to raise funds.
I’m staying out of it. I’ll vote for the lesser of two narcissists/egos when it’s time to do that.
As others have said. It’s time for a progressive party.
This isn’t the time of magazines and newspapers telling folks who to vote for. If the internet can’t make a viable third party stand a chance I don’t know what can.
My dad’s construction job was working for my mom’s brother for next to minimum wage. Not that it matters.
In 1990 my mom stayed home and raised us. My dad worked a measly construction job and we lived in a two story, 5 bedroom house (which they lost after the 2008 collapse, I took it over and lost in 2012).
My mom was also able to borrow against that house over and over again for cars.
Around 1996 my dad got his CDLs and drove a coal truck.
We bought that house for 30k.
My aunt bought a huge colonial house with 8 bedrooms for roughly 60k in 1979-80. She never worked. Her husband was a coal miner.
When it burned down in 1996, she bought a beautiful brick home in a wonderful neighborhood for 100k. She sold that same house recently for 600k.
The difference is absurd.
I’ll shit on your shit and they can eat my shit too.
Keyboard broken?
No that’s not it?
Trying in vain to make LLMs dumber?
What’s going on here?
You could wrap a towel around it and still never touch the sides.
You meant loser…
Ignore me. Hehe
Edit: Just fix it and downvote me. I see how it is. You’re a looser.
It was ripped directly from my cd at 320kbps and played on an iPod 5th generation (iPod video).
Not OP, but I promise you that I can hear what sounds like digital water being thrown over the cymbals when listening to mp3 files below 320 kbps. Even then, every now and then I hear that sound here and there across whatever record I’m listening to.
I don’t experience it when listening to records, CDs, or cassettes.
My hearing used to be very sensitive. When the whole world was using CRTs, I could tell you who had their tv on just standing outside their house.
Oh man, I absolutely love breasts. Too much, really. :p