I run 16 Bit Virtual Studios. You can find more reviews from me on YouTube youtube.com/@16bitvirtual or other social media @16bitvirtual, and we sell our 3D Printed stuff on 16bitstore.com
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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023
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Giving you a heads up as a Onyx Boox Nova 3 owner. These devices are poorly supported. You’d get maybe a year of “updates”, meaning the bundled apps are updated. But after that you are on your own.
It’s a brilliant e-reader don’t get me wrong, and I’ll take it over a Kobo or a Kindle any day. But go in assuming that you’d want to keep it offline.
Giving you a heads up as a Onyx Boox Nova 3 owner. These devices are poorly supported. You’d get maybe a year of “updates”, meaning the bundled apps are updated. But after that you are on your own.
It’s a brilliant e-reader don’t get me wrong, and I’ll take it over a Kobo or a Kindle any day. But go in assuming that you’d want to keep it offline.