Actually did not know this. Truly sad to hear it. Guess I can’t get rid of my dusty PS2 just yet
Actually did not know this. Truly sad to hear it. Guess I can’t get rid of my dusty PS2 just yet
Some good ones that are not yet mentioned
Read 1984, if you haven’t already.
This is exactly what The Party does through simplifying the Newspeak dictionary - targeting words to remove from the lexicon to make even communicating against The Party’s narrative impossible.
DEI is being Unpersoned
I’m presently replaying Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 and love it. The cast for the FMVs is all-star, the game itself is a super refined version of Red Alert 2 (itself an all-time classic) and the story has no bearing on the rest of the series so it can be played in isolation with no advance knowledge of C&C
Speaking of where we’re talking on just now, Lemmy support in general would be great too. Not sure but I assume your suggestion would mean the same thing?
So CosmOS does run through Compose files, but it makes them on the fly and gives you a moment before runtime to review it and make any changes.
Am I understanding right that your idea here is to put the Volumes on the NFS share and run through that, as opposed to having the data outside of a Volume just sitting on an NFS Mount?
I’m still early enough in that if something’s wrong or not ideal about the config, I can go scorched earth and have the whole thing back up and running in an hour or two.
Is there a better filesystem that I could share out for this kind of thing? My RAID Array is run through OpenMediaVault if that helps.
That tracks with my experience as well. I’ve been trying to get a system set up where the OS and Docker live on a small disk by themselves, and then go out to the larger RAID Array to load its data. But it’s sounding like that’s not really going to work the way I want to (probably why it’s crashed on me so many times, too).
So I have a 2TB nVME for VM Host Disks, and a 72TB RAID Array on my server. My hope is to have the OS and Docker on the 32GB drive I set up for the VM (which lives on the nVME), and then all the files related to the webapps live in a folder on RAID Array in a section meant just for that.
But the other responses in this thread make me think that’s not really going to be an option. Maybe I could make a very large VM Host Disk and put it on the RAID Array, let Docker just forget about the mount points entirely…
CEOs. Name them. Shame them.
Ultimate Spider-Man scratched a very similar itch to Spider-Man 2 if you ever want more of that kind of gameplay.
Not a PS2 game, but the PS1 Spiderman games are not to be slept on either.