Great post! I appreciate your work.
I looked up the Epic iPhone app, only available for EU users. Huh. Guess that’s due to the Apple cut in other territories.
Fleddit in June 2023.
Great post! I appreciate your work.
I looked up the Epic iPhone app, only available for EU users. Huh. Guess that’s due to the Apple cut in other territories.
I have a Boox Palma 2 - their cellphone-sized thing that doesn’t have a cellular radio. I love it. They’re more expensive than kindles, though, since they’re not subsidizing their cost with ebook sales. I haven’t actually tried jailbreaking a kindle so I can’t say how good an experience that would be, but you could probably pick up a kindle of some description on the used market for dirt cheap to try it out.
Run software they don’t approve of. Like alternate reading apps that don’t need you to pipe everything through an Amazon account, read formats they don’t support, etc.
This is why I have an Android e-ink device. I can put the kindle app on it for anything from their shitty walled garden, but I also can put pretty much anything else I want on it too.
Just fuck off already, Bobby.
Honda is better off without them.
We wouldn’t want to offend the Führer when he attends the game, would we?
around the nanosecond it gets released
Seeya, don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.
X is trash and no sane person should still be using it.
This. Fucking. Guy.
Yeah, I’m fine with touchscreen for infotainment and navigation shit - as long as they give me a physical volume knob. HVAC and lighting and such should all be physical switches/buttons/knobs.
Fun that it is now news that Russia has 50,000 troops in Russia.
I became a US citizen through marriage… during the Trump administration.
I recently switched my laptop to Fedora 40’s KDE spin, and like it a lot. I look forward to upgrading.
I feel like consuming as much Youtube as I have for so many years and still not having seen a single one of this fucking guy’s videos is an achievement.
Was about to comment the same thing.
The middle of last year, so you won’t have long to go if you’re working backwards
that’s their goal, crush the public service competition